Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Any ideas of attacking innocent Americans to take over a city in the USA definitely WON'T WORK. Promise.

Ah, there are secessionists in the White House. I told you. Someone should get an invite into the office and/or his home to take pictures of Lee hanging on the wall.

Their wackos. They have their own reality and are sticking to it.It is like those religious nut cases that believe the Earth has existed for 8000 years. 
Go figure. They have created their own facts and are satisfied with that unreality.

Secessionist lawyers in the White House is a worry. A very big worry.

It appears the violence at Charlottesville, Virginia wasn't the first time. It was just the first time a woman was killed.

July 8, 2017

Charlottesville, Va. -- Authorities said 23 people (click here) were arrested during the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan rally and counter protest in Charlottesville's Justice Park Saturday afternoon.

Ahead of the rally, protesters gathered and Charlottesville Police estimated that more than 1,000 people attended the rally. Officials estimated that 50 members of the KKK attended.

The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, which is based in North Carolina, told WVIR they organized the rally to support Southern heritage.

"They're trying to erase our history, and it's not right what they're doing," Klansman Douglas Barker told the TV station....

These bubbas were building up a full head of steam to attack. They were practicing. They were measuring the police response. That is why the helicopter was in the air this time for the White Nationalists march.

I am sure there is an FBI file on each one of them by now.

David Duke has the absolutely wrong idea. It won't work. The Governors have control of the National Guard, not Trump. There would be a blood bath by the White Supremacists, a standoff and then assault by the National Guard. There is no surprise there.

The only worry is for the National Guard leadership to determine whom among their weekend warriors are White Supremacists on the other weekends they are home. Once that is determined there would be no chance for internal confusion or sabotage of the mission of the National Guard.


It over David Duke. Your Bubbas have caused the death of two police officers this past week when their helicopter crashed for an unknown reason. It is over. There is nothing to strategize. The National Guard under "W" was trained and in combat. These men and women are no one to mess with and if anyone of you morons thinks it will happen your way, the muscle between your ears is lacking.