Sunday, December 18, 2016

The man is a complete idiot.

There have been increasing tensions between the USA and China, but, maybe he doesn't at all know that. When a country offers a sign of apology and good will there is every reason to accept it conditions of talks to end the tensions completely. 

This is just pride and stupidity.

The office of the President with the Executive Branch is not training grounds. But, when a USA President can rely on the advice of President Vladimir Putin what could go "W"rong.

Each "glider" costs the American people $100,000. Maybe we should give every country in the world a free "glider." Why not, we have a bottomless treasury. "Happy Holidays."

So, there you have it Mr. Trump, your opposition comment. Certainly, if the Electoral College wants to place Mrs. Clinton in the White House there is plenty of reason to do so. That type of idiocy is predatory. Mr. Trump likes to toy with the American people. I sincerely believe he hates people. Loves money, but, completely hates people.

Are we looking at pathology based in ego and power. Yes? 

I think global powers need to know what they are looking at with Donald Trump. There is pathology and his interjection into the lives of Americans is to have control. Absolute control. Pathological.

He can forget about the speech after the vote of the Electoral College. We already know his tweeting is a predatory program to serve his elections whereby he has control of the country's dialogue.

Poor Donald Trump has to go through all these insults and attacks on the very vote to place him the White House and amazingly he survives the day beyond any expectations.


December 18, 2016
By Missy Ryan and Emily Rauhala

The Chinese government (click here) said Saturday it will return a U.S. naval drone seized last week in the South China Sea, a step toward defusing maritime tensions between the two Pacific powers. 

President-elect Donald Trump reacted to the news by telling them he doesn’t want it back. “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!” he tweeted Saturday evening....