Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What is Nancy Pelosi doing about an investigation to the actions of FBI Director Comey during and the lead up to the election of 2016?

See, I don't think there is anything wrong with the message of the Democratic Party. Really. Yeah.

Senator Bernie Sanders is continuing to raise monies from the American people that supported his candidacy. Why? Because he is mounting an opposition to the Trump Regime regarding Medicare. Really. Yeah. Bernie is very serious about unifying the American people to protect the benefits to seniors. Why do that? Because the seniors of the USA is prime importance to tourism in the country. Really. Yeah. Really. 

The INSTITUTIONS of Medicare and Social Security provide a strong baseline to the USA economy. When that spending is gone and uncertainty enters their lives the entire USA economy will be in turmoil.

For real.

So, I am with Bernie! Everyone needs to get busy.

The people that voted for Donald Trump were confused when they cast that vote and they still are because there is no clear and certain message from Donald Trump. In interpretation that means Donald Trump lied to them while he is talking to Carrier and appearing to be upholding his promises. There are more questions about what will happen with Carrier than not today. I am worried about the Americans that work for Carrier. The only certain way of insuring the employees of Carriers won't be victimized by an angry CEO is to elect a union. It is the only certain way to protect the employees of Carrier.

The people are confused because they don't know what conclusions to come to about Donald Trump and his administration. That confusion will become indifference and we cannot allow that to happen.

So what message of the Democrats need to change? The people of the USA need unions more than ever and they need PROMISES of Medicare and Social Security to continue and quite possibly increase. There is very little the Democrats need to change and change to what? The same confused message of Donald Trump?

Comey demised the Democratic momentum in the 2016 election. When he is going to be investigated for his thumb on the scale of the USA's election. Enough. 

The lesson of 2016 is one of sexism. Where is the anger about the sexism of 2016? Women in the USA are held to a perfection standard and now that a sexist man is headed for the White House the perfection component to women is all that much more exaggerated. Women will be more victimized with Trump in the White House than they were.

There is a lot to organize around.

There is one thing the Democrats need to change. NO MORE OUTLANDISH TRADE DEALS that puts their thumbs on the scale for Wall Street.

There is a lot correct about the Democratic message, and what is wrong is easy to walk away from. 

The Undocumented needs a champion yet today. They should be abandoned because it is hard to sell that message to the public? Has Nancy Pelosi ever stood next to Pope Francis in his menssage about the Undocumented? Why not?

The Democrats are moral and decent people. The young people of this country can't be abandoned to yet more Republicans that will continue to abandon generation after generation of young Americans. The local economies and their protection is more important today than every before if we are to be able to look at the future and see one for the young Americans looking to the American Dream to be real.

There is a lot right about the Democrats. They need to make their position of moral policy a strong message and louder and better than Trump and his henchmen in the administration and Congress. The Democrats need to dominate the national dialogue. And start it by, "Look, you voted him in and now we are suppose to do what?"

November 29, 2016
By Bob Bryan

Bernie Sanders (click here) is going after President-elect Donald Trump for his pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

In a statement Tuesday, the former Democratic presidential candidate said Trump's selection of GOP Rep. Tom Price as the department's secretary went against the president-elect's campaign promises....

And I know no one from the Democrats is noticing an encampment of Native Americans because no one has gone to their plight to stand with them. Why not? It's hard to stand with Native Americans? Really? That is racism in the politics of the country and it has to end!