Sunday, August 21, 2016

I'd like to say this is a resurgence of racism in the USA, but, I think it was always there. It is just more fashionable now.

August 22, 2016

A customer left a nasty note for Sadie Karina Elledge saying "we only tip citizens." Photo / Courtesy of John Elledge via Washington Post

The message (click here) on the receipt rattled Sadie Karina Elledge, but it made her grandfather see red.
Instead of leaving a gratuity on Monday, a couple eating at the Harrisonburg, Virginia, restaurant where Sadie works scrawled: "We only tip citizens."
The dig was aimed at Sadie, 18, who was born in America, but is of Honduran and Mexican descent. So, John Elledge took a photo of the grease-stained receipt left for his granddaughter and posted it on Facebook.
Beneath the photo he typed: "You are a complete and total piece of dung."
Earlier on Facebook, the lawyer had written some other harsh words:
"I'd happily do the jail time if I could get just one solid punch in to the face of the son of a bitch who paid for his meal at the luncheonette where my granddaughter works and left the receipt for her with a note saying, 'Sorry, we only tip citizens.'"