Thursday, September 30, 2010

And the USA thought it had problems with Police Unions.

A police officer demonstrates next to a bonfire during a protest of police officers and soldiers against a new law that cuts their benefits at a police base in Quito, Ecuador on Thursday. 

I'd be a liittle PO'ed if they cut my salary.  But, I don't know if kidnapping the President of the country is the way to go. 

...It was unclear if anyone died during the rescue, although Mr. Correa said that at least five people had been wounded....

I guess he is a little worse for wear  Ecuador.  Whatever happened to the little country with the Galapagos?  Looks like Beck's PREMONITION of violence was correct, just the "W:rong country.

Wow.  Beck is like a real psychic or something, huh?  If he practices enough he might even be able to 'channel' Murdoch. 

...Miguel Carvajal, the minister in charge of internal security issues, said at least one person had been killed and several injured...

Well, that is sort of everyday stuff in some ways.  Remember the time when they almost nabbed Bush in South America?  That was so cool.  He was happy he had his body guards, too.

These Bolivarians are tough stuff.

...The chaos raised new doubts over the stability of a country that had churned through eight different presidencies in the decade before Mr. Correa was first elected in 2006. Since then, Ecuador has enjoyed relative calm, and Mr. Correa’s leftist agenda of increased state control of the oil industry and welfare programs for the poor proved popular enough that he was re-elected in 2009....

I am not really worried about INCREASED instability.  They had elections, that means something.

If they nabbed Bush we would have had to deal with Cheney, but, if that happened the stress might have sent his heart over the edge sooner.  I think it would have worked out.  Go, Nancy, Go.

I am not worried.  See, the police are annoyed.  The poor got some improvement in their status and the police had to take a hit on it.  There is always a chance Big Oil is involved in some of the unrest, too.  The President of Ecuador needs to investigate this mess.  Maybe he might ask the President of the USA to 'lend' the CIA or FBI to get to the bottom of it.  It would be interesting to know if the CIA and Big Oil are connected, too.  So, the President might want to throw Interpol into the mix instead.  That would be good.  Interpol is a better idea.  I am sure the communists will be snooping around, too.

I think he is trying to do right by the people.  Reorganizing the federal system, huh?  Hm.

That might do it, too.  You know how these burgeoning democracies are, right?  The people finally get out of the rut of oppression and hold elections to put someone who really gives a damn about them into power.  But.  Low and behold 'the elements' from the old regime that weren't elected are still hanging out at the federal level.  I don't know if that was the reason for the reorganization, but, it most likely had to do with getting rid of some old regime.  That wouldn't play well, because, the 'opposition' candidates would feel as though they were being eliminated completely.  Gone from power and influence forever.

These Presidents of the young governments in South America have to find a way to 'incorporate' the 'old regime' into the new government without threatening what APPEARS to be a complete over throw.  That isn't necessarily what 'democracy' in its purest practice is about and people tend to 'settle in' around 'ideals' in these early stages of a new style democratic government.  It is a little tricky.

Well.  The guy seems alright.  Sorry to hear people were hurt and one dead.  That is sad.  I guess with vast change these issues crop up.  I really do believe some First World countries need to help 'stabilize' this sort of mess by HELPING with investigations to get to the TRUTH and resolve the violence.  It would be nice to be an ally to a new President.  Not necessarily a 'partner' to his government, but, at least concerned for the 'stability' of it.  For the people's sake.  Their elected President.  You know?  Respect.

The Pakistanis are correct. I stated CORRECT. The USA needs to chill. They killed Pak soldiers. No joke, man.

I also do not believe Pakistan is 'suddenly' an enemy.  They are, however, paternalistically left 'out of the loop.'  Those soldiers should have known they were in the line of fire.  I do believe this is called friendly fire.  I don't believe it is appropriate and we have also witnessed attacks on NATO and UN caravans before.  So, where is Petraeus going with all this?

I'll be the first one to state, the ISI is a concern within Pakistan, but, that does not give permission to the USA and NATO to simply run rough shod over the Pakistani military.  I realize 'defense' against aggression is important, but, the USA has to ask when it is inappropriate when 'friendly fire' occurs.  Yes?

I don't believe the USA and NATO have been very inclusive of the Pakistani military, especially near the Afghan border.  Why?  Does the USA actually believe the Paki military is as much the enemy as the Taliban?  Sympathizers?  I believe General Petraeus needs to make a clear deliniation between the Paki miltary and the Taliban.  Sincerely.  They are not the same thing.

My first instinct would be to have the USA apologize, make reparations, which has to occur anyway, but, that isn't 'IT,' exactly.  These border excursions have been problematic.  I am confident the USA military has documentation or videos to justify their aggression, but, there are issues here that are being ignored and General Petraeus needs to look beyond his immediate plans to make this a partnership THAT WORKS and does not victimize.  I remind, Pakistan is under dire conditions with its populous, its military is stretched way past capacity by floods alone.  The Pakistani people have issues and I know the Taliban are taking advantage of that, but, at the same time the USA should NOT be.

Now, if General Petraeus is going to start stating Pakistan is more an enemy than an ally, he needs to realize that point of view will only cause more problems for him and the USA than not.  See, India already has problems with past Paki activities in their country.  To declare Pakistan is a problem opens up all kinds of shifts in dynamics.  I do not believe this is an aggression by Pakistan.  I do, however, believe they are being disregarded in ways that are problems for their miltary and government.

A friendly fire incident is NOT the basis of declaring another country an enemy.  And quite frankly if the USA was under attack when a caravan of supplies was approaching, I would expect the caravan to stop and reassess the region for safety.  The caravan was stopped by Pakistani military for a very good reason.  They didn't want the supplies compromised.  That's being an enemy?  Nope.  General Petraeus has some in roads to make here and he needs to do it ASAP.  I believe Pakistan WANTS to be a good, if not great ally even through its stuggles to protect and serve their own people.  The USA has been exceptionally good to Pakistan and the people are best to come to understand we are very friendly and care about them and their well being.  I believe stopping the supply caravan was the right thing to do considering the chaos that existed in the Pakistan military about their dead soldiers.  FIX IT !

McDonald's calls that health insurance? This is a non-issue.

The people work for McDonald's at their front counter have no way to really have sufficient health insurance.

These people make minimum wage and the health insurance option that is open to them have very high co-pays and deductibles.  Forget about insuring any kind of family they can't afford it.

This is classic Wall Street abuse.  I believe in local restaurants and I really don't care if McDonald's suffers with an 'image' issue.  Too bad.  They mistreat people anyway.  McDonald's has some of the highest fat content in the nation. 

They like have their cartoon characters and donation bins speak for the benevolence of the company, but, the way they mistreat their employees is hideous.

They need a McDonald House for their children, they can't afford anything else.

McDonald's charges at least $5.00 and change for any meal that is purchased and they can't afford real health insurance for their employees.

How ridiculous is it for an employee to work for 6 hours 5 days a week making minimum wage and having co-pays and deductibles that are higher than a month's salary after taxes?  They can't afford to go to the doctors so they don't subscribe to optional health insurance.  These insurance policies need to be eliminated from the market place because it places people 'at risk' for illness and dangerous disease.  Most of their employees nationwide are young people.  And quiter old people that are still working becuase Wall Street robbed them blind in 2008. 

There are definately health issues with both those groups and they have no real insurance when they enter into employment with McDonalds.  So, I hope the federal government holds them responsible for obtaining 'real insurance' for their employees.  I really wish the State Exchanges were already in place, but, it takes time.  There are going to be these 'petty' issues come up.  The employers really don't care about their employees.  They don't offer good policies that are realistic for their employees to actually use them and maintain good health and this is going to come up.  It really is a nonissue.  I wish it weren't taking until 2014 to establish much of the insurance support that is mandated.  It is a huge paradyme change.

Go get 'em, Rahm. He is the best man for the job. I hope he gets good endorsements.

I admire the Obama Administration for their openness to their staff and their movement into the private sector again.  The dynamics of this country right now has to be burning people out. 

Besides, I really believe the first two years of the Obama Administration was more a 'transitional' staff.  They have done a remarkable job for two years.  The next two proves to be just as interesting.  I believe the 'fluid' nature of the staffing in the Obama White House clearly demonstrates whom is making the decisions in the Executive Branch and that he is not dependent on advisors to carry out his responsibilities.  I love it.

Chicago could have a wonderful mayor for a long time to come.  I am happy for them.

Palidino is an illegitmate candidate and he knows it. He was ashamed of his past when his daughter should be at his side.

The Journalists involved in covering this political circus HAD to cover every aspect of these candidates and Palidino is dealing from the bottom of the deck.  He isn't trustworthy. 

The Journalist is doing the right thing no matter how vicious it sounds.  He is protecting the public from a less than honest candidate.  A child?  He denies he has a child by hiding her from the public?  Wow.  That is not what I call an honest candidate.  No one I know would ever hold the birth of a child and support of a child against any candidate if that candidate had proven he loves the child and protects, defends and supports that child.

But this?  I don't like the way it sounds and I don't like what the 'shame' Palidino has displayed will effect his own child.  He hid the truth and shows that he intended to continue to do so.  He display good character.  Very questionable motive behind his actions.

I consider the actions by Palidino to be very vicious and ruthless when it comes to being honest with the electorate.  Hidden agendas are a real problem for this party.  This is a prime example of it.

Whitman is no different.  She is angry now because she hid the truth.  What does the public have to judge a candidate by except how they handle their personal lives and interpersonal relationships.  If Whitman is saying one thing to 'subvert' the electorate into her camp while PRACTICING completely different moral content in her life, what is a voter to believe?  Darn right, it is going to effect things.

Reporter defends comments to Paladino  (click title to entry - thank you)

Public outburst making rounds on Internet

Updated: Thursday, 30 Sep 2010, 1:24 PM EDT

Published : Thursday, 30 Sep 2010, 12:40 PM EDT
Michele McClintick

Posted by: Emily Lenihan

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - That very public outburst is making the rounds on the Internet and could have a big effect in the weeks leading up to the election.
It all happened while Carl Paladino was at the Sagamore in the Adirondacks to address the state business council, but nobody's talking about that. It's all about what he said before that speech and now his campaign may have to do damage control because of it....

Look, the Republicans had a good and decent candidate.  They threw him out.  Why?  To dominate the electoate with a man that has scruples.  Everyone understand what scruples are?  Silly word.  Silly sounding word.  Huge word..

Journalists understand what scruples are.

Scruples are an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action.
Rick Lazio talks to reporters after speaking to the New York State Associated Press annual meeting in Colonie, N.Y., on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010. Lazio says he'll continue to be a voice in the New York governor's race, but wouldn't say if he'll drop his run on the Conservative party line against surging GOP candidate Carl Paladino and Democrat Andrew Cuomo.

I sincerely believe the Tea Party, Republicans and Murdoch have absolutely NO scruples.  Their inhibitions to 'take over' the power in DC and othewise lacks morals and commitment to the integrity of Civil Rights in the USA.

Look, I wanted MSNBC last night with that new show they have.  It is an interesting program.  Well composed in some ways. But, there was an interesting interaction between Palin and Katie Couric that everyone overlooked due to the focus on Johnson.  But it bears looking at again and I was more than pleased I was able to hear the interaction again,

The Republicans, whom are now 75% Tea Party members are chronically using the 'wedge issue' of Abortion in elections.  Did everyone HEAR what Palin said to Couric?  Sincerely hear it.  I did.  Last night I heard it and it reminded me of a statement by Bush years ago.  I am damn tired of these morons trashing the country year after year after year, so let's get this right.  Abortion is NOT a legitmate issue in the USA anymore, except, where it empowers women to live a life they choose, because, abortion is about love of a child as much as limiting child birth.  Women remove suffering from a child when they choose abortion.  Abortion is a socio-economic decision.  You'll never convince me of anything else.  EXCEPT.  In the case of incest or rape.  Making a woman or GIRL carry a child to term for the sake of 'church standards' is emotionally curelty and I don't care how a society dresses it up.

Abortion dominates race for state attorney general  (click here)

Published: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 7:59 AM

Deborah E. Young

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- As Planned Parenthood yesterday rolled out its first-ever presence in the borough with its mobile health unit in St. George, candidates in the race for state attorney general went another round on the hot-button issue of abortion.
Democratic candidate for attorney general Eric Schneiderman used the news on his challenger's home turf to jab again at Republican Daniel Donovan, Staten Island's district attorney, excerpting a comment made over the weekend during a public television interview in seeking to characterize Donovan as "extreme."...

In her interview with Katie Couric, Palin stated when commenting about "The Day After Pill" that HER PERSONAL point of view was to never use it.  In stating that, she also stated she had no right to make that decision for anyone else.  In a statement, a few years ago, "W" was addressing a group of women and I want to say it was on the lawn of the White House and was 'telephoned' in or some darn thing.  That could just be bad memory on my part, but, he definately made that statement to the Pro-Lifers at this meeting/rally.  He stated something like this, "Abortion may some day be unattainable in the USA."  In those words he encouraged the extremists that want to dominate every aspect of the American Landscape with their religious preferences, including depriving Gay Citizens their proper Civil Rights, TO KEEP AT IT.  In other words, the Republcans are the only people willing to be this intrusive into PRIVATE CITIZENS lives, so 'hang with us' and we will get it done.  SOME DAY.  How convenient.

There is no way in the USA women will ever be deprived abortion rights somewhere, except, if the Right Wing Grassroots Militias kill and bomb every clinic and hospital in the nation.  Women will seek abortions and they have to be safe.  Girls cannot be jeopardized as such young ages by their own unsophisticated decisions.  This is not ideology, it is 'keeping people alive' and productive in their own lives.  It is the way it is and Americans have rights to conduct their PRIVATE lives without intrusion.

The issue with entire 'church - state' mess is 'maintained' as a political issue in order to maintain a base, no matter how radical and how dangerous it is to the security of our domestic peace.  This has gone on for decades, but, until the Bush White House it has never manifested in a demonstrative way before.  The base of the Republicans are always complaining about their 'status' in legislation and in regard to the continuance of government at the federal level.  They are extremists.  There is about 28 to 30 percent of the total electorate of the USA.  They 'pull' other in, including Independents' by creating wedge issues that are 'popular.'  They play 'populous' issues.  The Repubicans cause issues within the social structure of the USA with violence and permission to be violent on every issue their base consents to vote on as if it were 'real' when the candidates and the RNC know full well there is way. 

It is no different than the tax cut issue.  When President Obama stated, "I just don't have the math."  He meant it.  That didn't matter.  The Republicans wants to increase the National Debt in order to win elections.  There is no other reason to fund tax cuts for the wealthiest in this country.  Those cuts are completely unconstitutional from the 'view point' that they are completely disproportionate to any tax cut of any other socio-economic class in the USA.  The Republicans have no basis for their demands.  The 'class' of people they are advocating for are supposed to be supplying small businesses with monies for jobs.  We know these small businesses aren't really 'neighborhood' businesses.  They are multi-national companies and have special status due to ownership numbers under the Tax Code.  That investigated too, but, that isn't the point.  The point is the Republicans, REGARDLESS OF THE ISSUE, always decieve people.  They can never realistically pass laws that would kill people, even if it by their own actions.  The Republicans are a huge joke.  They want to remove government from people's lives, have no taxes except to pay for the military, cast the economy to FREE MARKET no matter what hardship it causes the populous of the USA and want to have everyone live under the moral oppression of Evangelical Christianity.  So, basically, as a woman have children regardless of the ability to support them, OR, give them up to some kind of adoption issue, but, definately give birth to the little 'rug rats.'  I DON'T THINK SO.  That lacks respect for women, their needs in life, their self determination of the path of their lives and their ability to improve their lives without ridicule and to support their children into high quality lives.

Where is the morality in that?  When Gingrich pulled the rug out from under the former First Lady when we were looking at improving the health care system he didn't care about the people of this country, he pandered to Wall Street and how many died over the 16 years since it happened?  No conscious about life or the people of this country.  Who gives a damn?  Losers are losers.

Nah, I am tired of it.  We are great country and we can solve our own problems and we can do it with a good central government that finds solutions for us.  I reject the right for the Republicans and their 'Tea Party' to exist.  They are lack scruples and morals and any 'content' to conscious that actually equals Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  They are wrong and this election is showing it over and over and over again.

The deaths of 19 journalists in a 'peacetime' Russia seems extreme. Within its own borders?

The Russian government needs to be more vigilant of the safety of its citizens even when they complain.

Russia, at some point in time, has to admit not all the 'foot soldiers' within its country are marching to the same set of rules and values.  There are 'elements' that need to be contended with.  Elements that sometimes exist 'in convenience' if not legitimacy.  

Post Oligarchy is an interesting dynamic to say the least.  I wish the President a great deal of success in purging this 'element' from his country.

UPDATE 1-Watchdog says Russia steps up efforts in media murders (click title to entry - thank you)

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:13am EDT

...But the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said it had seen a new attitude in a meeting with the head of the federal Investigative Committee, which reopened formal probes into five of the slayings and vowed to actively pursue the other cases.

"The atmosphere was different this time," CPJ board member Kati Marton told reporters in Moscow. She said the New York-based group was "impressed by the seriousness" of Investigative Committee chief Alexander Bastrykin.

Russia ranks eighth on CPJ's "Impunity Index", a listing of countries where journalists are killed regularly and governments fail to solve the crimes. The CPJ says there have been 19 unsolved murders since 2000, when Vladimir Putin came to power....

Anna Politkovskaya - In Memoriam one year later (click here)

Published 07 October, 2007, 23:16
...Members of her family and colleagues from Novaya Gazeta went to the cemetery where she is buried. Her colleagues also joined a rally at Pushkin Square and later made their way to her apartment....

I swear Nixon should never have made the age of majority 18.

No respect for life.  

No respect for privacy.  

No respect for each other.  

And we call a society?  

I don't think so.

The USA needs to go back to being 'real people' with each other, rather than commodities available for Plutocratic election fodder.  The reason this happened at all is because of the complete rejection of the Gay Community.  

Mr. Tyler was in his new 'single' life ready to take on the challenge of launching into manhood on his own terms and his roommates made a game out of it.  What their purpose was will be their waterloo.  The family needs to file a lawsuit against not only the people that did this, but, the companies that profit off displays of this mess, including the equipment companies that provided the means to film it in the first place.  I'd never let them get away with it.

Sounds like Rutgers has a real rats nest of a problem.  This type of invasion of privacy is allowed in rooms?  No regulations regarding these devises?  Everything goes, huh? 

I am tired of hearing how 'it won't stop it anyway?'  That was George Bush's America whereby government is nothing and nobody.  If one doesn't regulate it AND enforced rules and regs, then I guess it never will be stopped.  Those Social Networking sites are nothing but trouble.  They are invasion of privacy from the beginning.  They enforce 'social order.'  This is an example. 

My deepest sympathies for the family of Tyler Clementi.  Wonderful young man and sincere loss to those that knew him and loved him.

I am quite sure the FBI didn't need to 're-enact' the potential for the Times Square Bomb. It is video evidence for the trial.

Faisal Shahzad

FBI releases video of what Times Square car bomb could have done (click here)

Go, Pakistan !

Accomplice of Times Square plotter arrested in Pakistan  (click title to entry - thank you)
Pakistani security forces have arrested a man who allegedly helped in the training of Faisal Shahzad, the accused in the failed Times Square bombing case. Faisal Abbasi, a major link between Shahzad and Pakistani Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud, was nabbed while he was travelling from Waziristan to Islamabad, sources said on Thursday....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do as I say and not as I do.

Billionaire California Republican candidate accused of employing illegal immigrant (click title to entry - thank you)

The Republican candidate for Governor of California, has been accused of knowingly employing an illegal immigrant from Mexico as her housekeeper for nine years.
By Nick Allen in Los Angeles

Published: 11:59PM BST 29 Sep 2010
Meg Whitman, the billionaire former chief executive of eBay, has repeatedly called for tougher sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers and immigration is a key issue in the state.
Nicky Diaz, the Mexican maid, worked in the would-be governor's home from 2000 to 2009, when she was fired....

...At her press conference a tearful Miss Diaz claimed Miss Whitman "threw me away like a piece of garbage" after she went to her in June 2009 to discuss her illegal immigrant status, and to ask for help finding an immigration lawyer.
She claimed Miss Whitman told her: "You don't know me, I have never seen you and you have never seen me. Do you understand?"
The maid added: "I was shocked and hurt that Miss Whitman would treat me this way after nine years." She is filing a claim with the California Department of Industrial Relations for unpaid wages and mileage.
Miss Whitman said the allegations that Miss Diaz was underpaid and exploited were "without merit." She said the maid came to her in June 2009 and admitted using her sister's documents to gain employment. At that point she "immediately terminated Nicky's employment".
*A Tea Party novice who has become Delaware's Republican candidate for the Senate has been accused of "misleading" the public by claiming she studied at Oxford University.
Christine O'Donnell included Oxford on her CV on the business networking website LinkedIn. The course however was not run by Oxford but the Phoenix Institute, a group that runs summer courses in rooms at the university.

The nation needs to get past the propaganda of the Right Wing Extremists.

We have a bill that will assist our DOMESTIC small businesses put America back to work.  FINALLY !!!

Dems' bill would help more small businesses than extending tax cuts for rich  (click title to entry - thank you)

Fun fact of the day: The small business bill that the President signed earlier this week would help far more small businesses than extending the Bush tax cuts for those above $250,000.
The small business bill was opposed by almost all Repubicans, while the principle rationale many GOPers (and some conservative Dems) have given for extending the high end tax cuts is that it would help small businesses.
Extending the Bush tax cuts would impact roughly 2.5 percent of small businesses -- some 900,000 of them, according to the Tax Policy Center.
By contrast, the new small business bill, which would create a $30 billion fund to open up lending to small businesses, would directly impact far more of them than extending the high-end tax cuts. According to the White House fact sheet, over one million small businesses are eligible to receive investments this year that could be excluded from capital gains taxation; and millions more will be able to make new investments, because the ceiling has been lifted on the amount that can be written off.
To be clear, there's nothing inconsistent in Republicans supporting the high end tax cut extension, while opposing the small business bill. That's broadly consistent with the overall GOP argument: We must rein in government spending while freeing up private capital to foster economic growth. But the above comparison shows just how heavily invested Republicans are in tax cuts as the cure-all.
By Greg Sargent
September 29, 2010; 2:05 PM ET

DeMint. Well. We know whom the Plutocracy is now. The Senate Republicans.

It would seem as though BP gets protection from both sides of the Atlantic.  First, it was Great Britains Plutocrats that sold out to Libya for BP to obtain the oil favor.  On the USA Senate floor DeMint states he is representing the entire of the Republican Senate (click here) and stopped the investigation of BP by the USA.  He has OBSTRUCTED the power of tthe USA to subpoena witnesses under oath.  He is Anti-American.  He has no reason to be retained in office for any branch of government.  He is a treasonist and should be impeached along with his REPRESENTED Republican Senators.  He is no different than the Scots that turned loose the Lockerbie Bomber to benefit BP in negotiations with Libya for oil.

Published: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 5:10 PM
Updated: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 5:17 PM
 Bruce Alpert, Times-Picayune
WASHINGTON -- Oliver Sartor, medical director at Tulane University Cancer Center, watched the August 2009 TV coverage as the Libyan man convicted for the deadly bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland, was welcomed back to his home country....
...Sartor told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday that as he watched al-Megrahi get off the plane in Libya, where he was "greeted as a hero," he quickly realized that al-Megrahi was not near death.
"Patients who have less than three months to live, as Mr. al-Megrahi was said to be by the Scottish government, are typically unable to walk without assistance," said Sartor, who has spent 20 years specializing in treatment of prostate patients. "Indeed, they are often bed-ridden or close to bed-ridden because of the pain, weakness and weight loss that occurs as consequence of advanced cancer....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Mideast Peace Direct Talks were based on No Precondtions, Good Faith and No Hidden Agendas.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Knesset in 2009.
Photo by: Archive / Tess Scheflan 

The Politics in Israel is hedious.  The New York Times needs to Editorialize and Op-Ed this thing to death.
Arabs live in Israel.  There is nothing to say the settlements being built cannot include Palestinian families.  If they don't want their children attending local schools, Israel can arrange for safe buses to Palestinians schools.  
Part to the chronic problem is that many passionate and brilliant people live in Israel and Palestine and it is the size of a dime for the populous.
UNITED NATIONS--Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Tuesday broke ranks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's peace strategy, telling the UN General Assembly that Israel should drop plans to negotiate a peace deal within the next year, and pursue a two-stage interim pact that could lead to decades of negotiations and the redrawing of Israel's borders to separate Arabs and Israelis....
This will be gruelling and difficult, but, Prime Minister Netanyahu is the man to get this done.  He is not creating a dreamscape so much as trying to accommodate all the parties involved and this can be settled with a year !

Israel showed the (click title to entry - thank you) international community on Tuesday that the country is ruled by a circus, not a responsible government with a policy. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told the representatives of the world's nations from the UN podium that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is spreading illusions and silly talk about peace. There is no chance for a permanent settlement for a generation, Lieberman said, and it is necessary to "exchange" populated areas and adjust the state to its correct size. Or, in less diplomatic English, the Arab citizens of Israel must be expelled to the Palestinian side of the border....

Bulldozers get to work in the Israeli West Bank settlement of Revava on Sept. 27, 2010, the day after Israel's 10-month settlement construction freeze expired. (Wagdi Ashtiyeh / Flash90)
NEWS ANALYSIS  (click here)

Why Israel allowed the settlement freeze to expire

...Having offered the freeze unilaterally 10 months ago to coax the Palestinians back to the negotiating table and satisfy U.S. demands for an Israeli good-will gesture, the Israeli government sees itself as the accommodating party whose gesture was never reciprocated. Rather, it took the Palestinian nine months to agree to resume negotiations, leaving virtually no time for substantive progress before the freeze expired.
Then there are the political considerations: Netanyahu’s right-leaning coalition partners made clear that extending the freeze was a nonstarter. Perhaps most important, however, the freeze was seen by many Israelis as unfair.
The vast majority of the 300,000 or so Jews who live in the West Bank are families living in bedroom communities within easy commuting distance of Jerusalem or metropolitan Tel Aviv. While some Israelis moved to the settlements for ideological reasons, for many the motivating factor was economic: Housing was much cheaper in the West Bank than in Israel proper....

There is a lady I am thinking off that intimately understands these problems.  She would be the best ambassador than anyone, to end any 'silliness.'  She paid a visit to New York recently.  I hope she is recuperating well and will be back to home and as gracious as ever.

Jordan's Queen Rania undergoes treatment for irregular heart rhythm  (click here) 

By the CNN Wire Staff

September 27, 2010 2:24 a.m. EDT
Jordan's Queen Rania was recuperating in a New York hospital Monday after she underwent a medical procedure to correct an irregular heart rhythm. "The procedure went very smoothly and Her Majesty is well and in good spirits," the Royal Court in Amman said in a statement Monday.
She will remain hospitalized for two nights while she recovers before returning home later in the week, the palace said.
Rania was in New York with her husband, who is attending the United Nations General Assembly...

Jordan’s King Abdullah II ‘cozies up to’ Leonardo DiCaprio at UN  (click here) 

September 28th, 2010

New York, Sep 28 – Leonardo DiCaprio and Jordan’s King Abdullah II were spotted together at the UN General Assembly.
The king and his beautiful wife, Queen Rania dined at The Lion while DiCaprio, Cindy Crawford and husband Rande Gerber sat at a nearby table.
“King Abdullah went out for a smoke during dinner and told the security outside, ‘If my daughter finds out that I’m sitting next to Leo DiCaprio, she’ll never forgive me’,” the New York Post quoted a spy as saying.
And when the King went back inside, he approached the actor and posed for two photos with him, even though cameras are banned in the restaurant. (ANI)

by :    Administrator
Published : Sunday, September 26 2010 14:02
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 (UPI) -- Jordan's Queen Rania urged Israel and the Palestinians to keep talking as the moratorium on new Israeli housing in the disputed region expired.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Rania said the goal of the negotiations was to end an untenable and volatile situation that was fueling extremism throughout the Middle East.  

"The Palestinian people and the Israeli people need to see change -- tangible change in their lives very soon," said Rania.

Rania said the most positive development  would be that Israeli settlement expansion remained on hold after the moratorium expired. "What  matters to me is what actually happens on the ground," she said. "If both sides are still talking and in the spirit of peace these settlements are not expanded upon, then I think both sides need to be flexible."

The queen also predicted that U.S. President Obama's flagging popularity and prestige in the Muslim world would "skyrocket" if the current talks produced a meaningful agreement between the longtime adversaries.

Thank you, Queen Rania. Her birthright gives her a truly unique place in all this.  She is a powerful woman.  She loves her people and those that surround her chosen country with the marriage to King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein.

In some ways, it is almost as though God has 'fixed' the entire situation in one marriage.

Rania Al-Yassin was born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents from Tulkarm.  Tulkarm is a rather unique place.  If I may?

Between games and propaganda: the removal of checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank  (click here)

Palestine Monitor
19 April 2008
...A close examination of the 44 roadblocks which existed and were removed reveals that most of them had no implications whatsoever for Palestinians’ freedom of movement. Only 5 of these 44 obstacles were classified by the U.N. as “significant” for Palestinians living in the area. The remaining obstacles were classified as of “little”, “no”, or “questionable” significance, often noting that there were other major roadblocks nearby, that they were located in insignificant areas (such as open fields) or even that some had been built and removed on the same day.

Building roadblocks in the morning, removing them in the afternoon

This is what happened in the area of Tulkarm, more specifically on the roads connecting the villages of Bal’a to Anabta and Dhinnaba to Izbat Abu Khmeish.
On 31 March, Israeli soldiers went to this area and closed both roads by blocking them with stones and sand, preventing anyone from getting through. The main roads in between the villages were closed as well as the smaller alternative dirt roads, leaving would-be travellers no option but to return from where they came.
Later that day, soldiers returned to the area and removed a few of these roadblocks. The Israeli army then published an official statement explaining that they had removed the promised number of roadblocks. Their list included the roadblocks near Tulkarm established in the morning and removed in the afternoon.
The Israeli statement obviously did not mention the absurd character of these roadblock removals, neither did it mention that several roadblocks on the road between Dhinnaba and Izbat Abu Khmeish were also established on the same day, but were not removed....

A Palestinian city in the Tulkarm Governorate in the extreme northwestern West Bank. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Satistics, Tulkarm city and the adjacent refugee camp had a population of approximately 58,962 inhabitants at mid-year 2006.

Click on image to enlarge.
Location of  Tulkarm on more detailed maps.  I am sure the Queen of Jordan would take offense to any 'gaming by the Israeli political system of people in Palestine after all.

Its land area consists of 28,793 dunam.  A dunam is "forty standard paces in length and breadth",   (Origin of measure is the Ottoman Empire and is still used today.)  A pace?  Oh, a pace.  Yes.  Well.

It is the measure of a full stride from the position of the heel when it is raised from the ground to the point the same heel is set down again at the end of the step.  (Origins of Ancient Rome.  These folks are really 'hung-up' on old stuff.  If you ask me, but, no one ever does.)  

So considering a pace can be no more than two feet long, maybe slightly more, that would be 28,793 multiplied by 2 feet and then multiplied by 40.  That would be about 230,344 feet.  I am assuming that is square feet, but, an authority in Palestine would have to validate that.  A fairly small hamlet.

Sometimes it takes a Lady you know?  I mean to cut through the politics of all this mess. 

Perhaps when she is feeling better, she could join the King and bring some very needed insight to the depth of meaning the land has to Palestinians and how they need to be settled and feel a sense of BELONGING and sincere purpose other than being 'pawns' in Israel's political theater.  Just a thought.

Global warning: environmental refugees make landfall

Women and children first ... tens of thousands of walruses, mainly mothers and their calves, have crowded on to a beach in Alaska because their usual home has vanished. Photo: AP/US Geological Survey

Seth Borenstein

September 15, 2010
...Researchers from the survey,(click title to entry - thank you)  who have been tracking walrus movements using satellite radio tags, say 10,000 to 20,000 of the animals, mainly mothers and calves, are now congregating in tightly packed herds on the Alaskan side of the Chukchi Sea.
Geoff York, of the WWF's global Arctic program, said: ''As the ice decreases, the walrus are abandoning it earlier and earlier. They are having to swim ashore, or to linger on less suitable drift ice for long periods of time.''...

The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (crystal wind chime) is still warm:

Local Time :: 2:35 AM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon :: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 45 Fahrenheit
Conditions :: Overcast
Windchill :: 42 Fahrenheit
Humidity :: 100%

Dew Point :: 45 Fahrenheit
Wind :: 5 mph from the SE
Pressure :: 29.50 inches (Falling)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Mostly Clouds 2300 feet
              Overcast 3100 feet

Gulf Oil Spill, Two. 


The companies are mandated to drill a relief well at the same time as any exploration or permanent well.  BY NORWAY.  Whether those rules apply here is a good question.

North Sea, Barents Sea wells approved  (click here)
Published: Sep 27, 2010

Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway -- Wintershall Norge has been cleared to drill an exploration well in the northern Norwegian North Sea using the Songa Delta.
The Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) approved the well (35/12-3 S) on production license 378, at a location 120 km (74.5 mi) northwest of Bergen and 24 km (14.9 mi) northeast of the Troll C platform. Drilling should get under way in October. The program could last up to 84 days in the event of a discovery, including testing and/or a sidetrack.
PSA also waived through Eni Norge’s request for exploration drilling in the Barents Sea with the Polar Pioneer.

The consent applies to well 7120/12-5 in PL 489, around 80 km (49.7 mi) northwest of Hammerfest. Drilling activity here should last around 57 days for a dry hole, but up to 73 days if a geological sidetrack is drilled.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

Russia, Norway sign border deal after 40 years of talks (click here)
Russia and Norway signed a deal on Wednesday to delimitate their maritime border after 40 years of negotiations.

The document was signed after talks between Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the northern Russian city of Murmansk.

Medvedev said the treaty would "open a new page in bilateral relations" and boost cooperation in the energy and fishing sectors....

There really is NO REASON to prolong death and failure, except, to secure Pakistan from being overrun by al Qaeda.

That is why the Afghan picture is complicated, because, Pakistan won't disarm from nuclear weapons IF India doesn't.  Bush complicated any of those outcomes with the introduction of the nuclear industry to India.

Believe me, he and Cheney did a real 'number' on world order and the potential to global peace.

Karzai isn't a 'bad guy' but he is as despirate as anyone to 'be a player' since he was abandoned by Bush in March of 2003.  It is debateable that Karzai was abandoned by Rumsfeld and Bush and Cheney long before March of 2003.  After all, the plans for invading Iraq had to be 'in the works' long before March 2003.  By testimony at the hearings indicated a move of purpose into Iraq back on September 12, 2001.  So, the question that Afghanistan was ever of importance is a really in question.

Afghanistan is an interesting 'STUDY' in some ways.  Karzai is battling 'religious insurgents' that have obtained militarization that can overrun the government.  Whether he can incorporate the Taliban into the society of Afghanistan in a peaceful way is what is occurring.  Karzai needs to succeed.  But, Pakistan and India need to seriously consider disarming from nuclear weapons.  They aren't suppose to have them in the first place.  It is the 'NUKES' that are the issue.  Not the people.  The nukes is what al Qaeda is trying to achieve. 

The serious dialogue of disarmament by Pakistan, India and the other 'minor' nuclear nations would start to reduce the attempts by al Qaeda to continue on path.  If Iran believes for one minute that al Qaeda won't seek to take over their military as well when they try to move to weapons, they are fools.

The Wackos of the World are still being wackos and the USA has their's as well.  The problem with these minor nuclear countries is that, as we have witnessed with Pakistan, even their 'intelligence' isn't necessarily loyal to their political government structure.  The ISI is a huge worry as to 'whom' infiltrates it and 'has control' over the nuclear facilities.  Believe me, the Neocons have left the global balance of power challenged and a huge mess.

Petraeus issues guidance for Afghan contracting  (click title to entry - thank you)

By DEB RIECHMANN (AP) – Sep 12, 2010
KABUL, Afghanistan — The NATO command has issued new guidelines for awarding billions of dollars worth of international contracts in Afghanistan, saying that without proper oversight the money could end up in the hands of insurgents and criminals, deepen corruption and undermine efforts to win the loyalty of the Afghan people at a critical juncture in the war.
The guidance, issued last week by Gen. David Petraeus and obtained Sunday by The Associated Press, was issued in response to concern that the military's own contracting procedures could be, in some cases, running counter to efforts on the battlefield.
The changes are aimed, in large part, at addressing complaints that ordinary Afghans have seen little change in their daily lives despite billions poured into their country since 2001....

Just in case you don't get the entire picture. The Christian Coalition has their own military under sanctions of the USA.

Compliments of Bush and the Neocons.  If Bush, Cheney or any other Republican believes they will control the growth of this movement, they are sadly mistaken.  They fully intend through policital and military dominance to replace the sovereign government of the USA. 

The way they wrap themselves in the flag and the Constittution is nothing.  At this point they only believe they are 'stuck' with all 'that mess' that allows gays to promote their rights and an enforcement of 'common funds' such as Social Security.  Privatization is the first step to 'ending it.'  God help you, if you tred on their wealth and hence their power.

Say "Hello" to mandatory service and the ambition of global military dominance.

At least they believe it will happen through the grace of god.

Are McVeigh and those bozos starting to make a little more sense?  The 'grassroots' military.  The USA SINCERELY needs to disenfranchise the government from using private military contractors. Occupation is NOT an option.  COIN is an abject failure and has been since the illegal invasion into Iraq whereby a disarmed country was invaded for the purpose of securing a 'fuel supply.'  Boys will be boys, I guess.

Interesting they should have an affiliation with Murdoch's ambitions as well.  Voluntary and 'grassroots' as it is.

 My fearless leader Eric Prince, former Navy Seal and Board member of the Christian Coalition, has sold the company Blackwater, now called Xe “pronounced Zee” and has stepped down as the CEO. His quote to congress was ” Im just plain exhausted by it all…” Eric will always be known as the best leader of the best Para military group in the world. Xe will continue all contracts including but not limited too security, consulting, armed escort and humanitarian missions formally ran by Blackwater. I will for ever be a supporter and Alumni of my Blackwater brothers at arms.  And the Mission Continues….. Long live BLACKWATER…

Archive for March, 2009  (click title to entry - thank you)

Monday, September 27, 2010

There is some extremist in North Carolina. NC was the birth place of Eric Prince's Blackwater.

There is this mess left over from the Bush Administration that equates Christianity with the Red, White and Blue.  The Bush Administration was very willing to blur the line between church and state.

I think it is a good thing that the Christians are acknowledging the difference between their flag and the nation's flag.  To me that is a very clear statement that there is a sincere separation of church and state. 

So, displaying the Christian flag is somewhat of a step in the right direction, but, the Afghanistan veteran is correct on this instance.  It isn't as though there is a 'ceremony' in the park that would allow such a symbol to become an integral part of the park.  The veterans seeking a permanent place for their Christian flag in the park is attempting to make a public park into a Chrisitian sancturary.  They don't own the property and there is no other religious flags or symbols there along with the nation's flag and the flag of the State of North Carolina.

This 'movement' is sincerely inappropriate.  It might be benign, but, it is really very inappropriate.  If the local town council wants to display all the religions in the park with a flag or a symbol that is somewhat different, but, it would require an ordinance that specifically states the limits and the purpose of such a display.  Then there is the issue of 'how to do display' the belief by citizens of the 'lack of religion.'  So, it really is inappropriate. 

They need to remove 'their flag' to 'their church' and hold their rituals there.

Veterans Standing Guard Of Christian Flag In King  (click title to entry - thank you)
Rhonda Evans   
Created:  9/24/2010 5:27:58 PM Updated: 9/24/2010 11:22:20 PM
King, NC -- Veterans are making sure that a Christian flag remains at a park in the City of King.
They're guarding the flag and a monument at the Central Park in Stokes County.
King city council members voted last week to remove the banner after an Afghanistan war veteran voiced a complaint . The city's attorney warned it violated the first amendment. The council decided to remove the flag rather then endure the cost of a possible lawsuit....

"Rock the Fort" is a concern among some in North Carolina - click title for video. thank you.

The concern is the potential for intimidation and coersion.  North Carolina military instillations know the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan very well.  Any deployment in the region requires a reliance on 'unit' members.  There really isn't room for discrimination of any kind.

The "Rock the Post" concert is not a 'minor or ? normal ?' concert.  It is being sponsored by Evangelical Christians.  With that comes 'an asking' for all attendees to have seven other people sign an agreement to come and be open to the 'suggestion' of becoming an Evangelical as well.

The 'idea' that unit members are not suppose to see each other's differences, so much as their mutual cause, is what is 'at risk' with this particular concert.  If the concert were simply open to anyone and there wasn't any type of 'pressure' that goes along with it, I wouldn't think anything of it.  But, Evangelicals are very difficult to get along with.  We have witnessed the 'extremism' of these military members and their intimidating behaviors at the USA Air Force Academy.

The military administration at Fort Bragg needs to 'manage' the concert differently.  If they weren't soliciting 'on base' for church members 'as the ticket' to the concert I doubt there would be objection.  This isn't an average rock concert.  This is a concert specifically sponsored by an Evangelical preacher 'with an agenda.'  That should not be part of it.  Would any other rock group seek to 'enlist' the members of the military into their 'group?'  No.  Why should this one?

I would think the preacher sponsoring this concert should believe the artists and their performances would be enough 'inspriation' to the audience.  I just don't think it is right.  At the end of 'joining' the church is tithing.  That is a bit of a contract.  So, the dynamics of this sponsored concert is very different than if Billy Joel was holding a USO concert for the troops.

I believe there is some danger here for the troops and it is the obligation of the administration to reduce any possiblity of discrimination among their 'unit members.'   I think the sponsor needs to drop the sign up sheets.  That is more than should be allowed.  Why haven't they worked through the USO to bring this concert to the troops?  I think it shows an unwillingness to 'work within' the 'usual' venues for entertainment.

09/25/2010 06:04 PM

Christian rock concert at Fort Bragg sparks controversy  (click here)

By: Gavin MacRoberts

Organizations have complained that a Christian rock concert should not be hosted by a government agency. Their stance is that it is a violation of separation of Church and State and displays a preferential treatment of a religion. However Army officials counter that it is a well settled Constitutional law for Chaplains in the Military to offer religious events.
"Really, this is just one aspect of it. We have programs across Fort Bragg for many different faiths and our Christian faith is just one of those," said Col. David Hellis, Chaplin.
Col. Hellis said that the Army is a diverse organization with all major faiths represented and celebrated.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Morning Papers" - It's Origins

The Rooster

I don't regret my confidence in the Dems.

I don't regret my vote and never will.  I don't miss 'bad government.'  I don't miss the lies and the deceptions.  I don't miss being played for a fool.  I don't miss the anti-American agenda.  I welcome all the change President Obama and the majority Congress has brought and I look forward to more of the same to reclaim my country.  I know the Founding Fathers of the USA are breathing a sigh of relief with the Democratic leadership that works  as hard as they do to 'right the ship.'  It isn't going to be easy and it won't happen with rhetoric.

In 2008, the American people elected the best man into office. Don't hurt yourself again by going 'back' instead of forward.

President Obama and the Democrats have been more productive in less than two years than most presidents in eight years.

What Has Obama Done For U.S. Lately? Plenty! (click title to entry - thank you)

Believe President Obama has been ineffective? Think again!
By Marlys Shulda
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Barack Obama has become the whipping boy poster child for everything wrong in our country right now. The ease with which the right bandies about slander would be funny if it weren’t so scary. President Obama has enacted an inordinate amount of legislation and policy changes that will benefit the United States for decades to come but that doesn’t stop the detractors from claiming he “is destroying America.”...

...President Obama has spent all or part of 26 days "on vacation" during his first year as president, according to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller. President Reagan, in 1981, spent all or part of 42 days away from the White House "on vacation" at his home in Santa Barbara, California. President George W. Bush took a total of 77 "vacation" trips to his Texas ranch while in office, nine of them — all or part of 69 days — came during his first year as president in 2001. President George H.W. Bush took six trips — spanning all or part of 40 days — to the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1989, his first year. President Jimmy Carter spent just 19 days "on vacation" in 1977 and President Bill Clinton took 21 "vacation" days during his first year.
The President’s vacation days are minor when compared to the myriad of complaints that his opposition touts. Lies, half-truths, distortions, exaggerations, innuendo, and flat-out ridiculous accusations have been thrown out. Interested in knowing what he’s been doing in Washington for the past 20 months or so? Try turning off the cable and talk radio to find out what has been happening on the hill at If you don’t have time to do your own exploration, here is a short summary of a few things President Obama has accomplished in the past 20 months....

You heard it first here. Where is the USA going to compete, it is already defeated in Australia.

When is the USA going to wake up to its own reality?  When is it going to realize 'the consumer' of the USA is a slave to a Chinese economy?  Where are all these jobs from the Right Wing actually coming from?

China’s Rise Curbs US Influence in Australia  (click title to entry - thank you)

By Rocky Vega

09/24/10 Stockholm, Sweden – Michael Pascoe, writing for Australia’s The Age, argues the US has nowhere near the potent influence on China many assume, despite that idea’s widespread belief. He tackles in particular the unassailable concept of the US consumer, suggesting this group not only fails to support practically all of China’s expansion, as is so often implied by the media, but is in fact only responsible for a measly-sounding 0.3 percent of China’s often double-digit GDP growth....