Saturday, May 30, 2009

President Obama made a mistake. He never sought to prosecute Cheney and the Bush White House...

...and now they feel as though they have to be vincidated of any statement that publicly indicts them of atrocities in engaging in and conducting a war in Iraq. They also believe their 'torture,' engaged in desperation for lacking the will to continue to conclusion the war in Afghanistan, is completely void of peril for our military. They put our military soldiers in harms way with their own methods and words and didn't give a damn !

Bush administration and torture (click title to entry - thank you)
Posted by
Letters editor
Not about blame, but seeking justice
In response to Chris Fruitrich's letter of May 28 ["Blaming Bush: Don't waste time looking back," Opinion, Northwest Voices], I would like an explanation as to how pursuing justice for alleged crimes, whether they be by Dick Cheney or Adolph Eichmann, be considered "ill-conceived"?
The Bush administration authorized torture. It has even admitted to it -- a clear violation of international law and the Geneva Conventions. Not forgetting all the other crimes committed by this administration, too numerous to mention here, but please --torture? Am I missing something? How does a society of conscience put this behind us without seeking justice?
-- Chris Anderson, Seattle

Copyright © 2009 The Seattle Times Company

I could never understand how Colin Powell would make blatant lies to the United Nations. However, when his integrity and the power of that integrity was diluted by false information due to torture, it makes far more sense than it doesn't.

I believe him when he states he didn't know if the information in 'SLAM DUNK' was obtained by torture. At that time, he knew only of the reports being handed him. He was being held accountable by Cheney and Bush to explain away any of the words on the page in front of him.

He may have had 'druthers' otherwise, but, Cheney wanted Iraq Halliburton for the sake of saving himself from a lawsuit with stockholders, something Bush would empathize with due to his own experiences. Bush wanted Saddam in revenge for threats against his father.

Powell did not have the 'methods nor the clout' either through his current authority or his morality to raise questions of Rumsfeld for his actions within the Defense Department to obtain information otherwise. He was stuck. At this point, as before, it was a matter of 'processing' the information and moving to venues that would insure our national security, or so it would APPEAR.

Could he have 'pulled the plug' on Cheney, Bush and the CIA? No. When Former Secretary Powell states, "So." It is because penmanship doesn't count when decisions of national security are on the line and the subordinate hasn't commissioned proof of why the information would be tainted.

Do I believe Former Secretary Powell consciously made the decision to lie? No. Absolutely not. It was not an action of looking the other way as a convenience to carry out torture or invade Iraq. I don't believe that for a minute. He only served one term. I think that speaks for itself.

The truth of the matter is that "SLAM DUNK" was facilitated by Rumsfeld with a battery of lunatic lawyers that SOUGHT 'loopholes' in the law where it would 'AVOID' any illegalities.

Can 'loopholes' be prosecuted? I do believe they can be prosecuted if THE WILL to pursue 'justice' is important enough.

It is no different than the 911 Commission. They were 'allowed to exist' and publically prosecute the Bush Administration including the "Bin Laden DETERMINED to Strike the US" memo and the sequelae of denial by Rice, Cheney even though Senator Feinstein was 'on the job.' Rice and Cheney should have been held accountable, but, they abused power and demanded to be immune from prosecution for the sake of national security. The Fifth Amendment was waived for the sake of the country. Basically.

The same thing goes here. The lawyers involved in 'justifying' the actions of the Bush White House for false impetus; LOOKED for loopholes and justification. THAT is abuse of power. It is not only illegal, dangerous at that level, it is also unethical. They knew better. They should not be practicing.

The Cheney/Bush White House is being given 'a pass' and it is done consciously.



Gerald Ford, I guess.

She is going to be great. Great. No one can say that about Roberts. Certainly not about Alito, either.

Scalia and Thomas are just a waste of time. They are chronically biased according to their personal beliefs.

Every Hispanic woman seeking to participate in the dynamics of the USA, including the pursuit of law, should be inspired and confident.
By the way, I did say I thought Same Sex Marriage is about GENDER Discrimination, didn't I ? It is. Completely. It is a matter of whether there is a man or woman standing next you when the vows are said. It is completely analogous of the bigotry when the law attempted to criminalize the marriage of Black and White. Same thing.

She is going to be great. Completely. We better not be deprived of her presence on the Supreme Court because of "POPULOUS POLITICAL BIGOTRY." We better not !

We are taking back the country.

End of Discussion.

I'll be honest, I don't know how I feel about her in her environmental decisions.

But, then she hasn't been confronted with many in the District she precided.

What I found interesting about the analysis at the link to the title to this entry, was this:

...Sotomayor is not a predictable vote for environmentalists, industry, states or the federal government in environmental cases. Instead, she seems to weigh each case on its own merits, while displaying considerable skill in grasping the often arcane science and administrative history that form the basis of much modern environmental litigation....

She sounds reasonable, open minded and intelligent. She weighs all the facts and looks at the application of the law. She does it consistently while not 'favoring' the government over that of the individual, etc. No one can say that of the four conservative judges currently sitting firmly on their rectum.

President Obama continues higher job rating than the past three Presidents at this point in their administration.

It would seem 'the gap' between Approval or Disapproval is closing a bit, simply because the 'undecideds' are starting to make up their minds. It will be a very sad state of affairs if they making up their minds based upon the extremist media's racism sounding as if it is legitimate.

Racist? Who? Newt Gingrich? Limbaugh? Yeah, sure they are.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.”

Man are they racist. They were waiting for this one weren't they? Amazing.

The statement is a 'quip.' A quip. It means the woman has a sense of humor. Dear God, forgive that a woman should have a sense of humor and very sharp elbows at the same time.

She obviously is concerned with the statements of peers. And she relies on those peers to understand the 'emphasis' that lies in those words. With any of these 'racist remarks' about Judge Sotomayor by ? members ? of the media it takes them completely out of context. You know the 15 second sound bite. Conservatives can't seem to move past that. Money, ya know?

But, at any rate, the statement was made in admiration and in support of the same kind of 'observation' by Former Supreme Court Judge Sandra Day O'Connor.

The larger context of the sentence is Sotomayor addressing former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's famous quote that "a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases."

Sandra was the first woman on the Supreme Court. All these folks, even when one reads interviews of people like Jackie Robinson, have faced horrible public scrutiny and ridicule. It becomes a huge burden in a person's life. Emotional scars result. She has every right to express in tones of humor the experiences of her life and her views as a result.

In any of those quotes, Judge Sotomayor is speaking primarily to peers. Sure we and the media are allowed to 'listen in,' but, in every instance she is speaking to people that are asking questions within the subject of 'the practice of judging the law.' Kindly get that right. "The Practice of Judging the Law." That is basically what any Judge does. They look at the facts presented in a 'sterile' environment in a court room, examine the application of the law to the circumstances and makes a judgement. Kindly get that right. The word is JUDGEMENT.

When the 'extremist' media finally speaks in words of 'analysis' rather than 'ridicule' I might even listen.

" where policy is made..." - Five words completely out of context.

Sotomayor graduated with an A.B., summa cum laude, from Princeton University in 1976, and received her J.D. from Yale Law School in 1979, where she was an editor at the Yale La Journal.

Besides being brighter and better educated than many legislators, she completely explains her comments. They are correct and well within the definition of THE TRUTH and 'Real Life.'

There is no such thing as 'activist' judges, otherwise, they would be impeached. Besides that Judges have ambition no different than anyone else. If a Judge in any capacity 'blows it' they lose their potential for advancing their career. So, to believe at any time she was not interested in becoming the first Hispanic American Woman on the Supreme Court is hideous. She never risked her career for a political directive.

Courts are very important. More important in many ways than legislators. It is where the laws of the USA are applied to the lives of its citizens. It is where lawyers seek to protect their clients at every turn. So, yes, the decisions by Judges are exceptionally important and in the case of 'ground breaking' decisions it is called Precedent. This mess is ridiculous.

Conservatives are ignorant while taking EVERYTHING out of context. Marxist? Nope. Not even close.

Marxism is the 'hallmark' of the Republican Party. Marxism is the power of the commercial sector of government to control and oppress the populous. I do believe stating the Obama Administartion is Marxist is like the pot calling the kettle black.


Marx wrote against Capitalism. But, at the time he wrote those words, capitalism was oppressive of the populous. Everyone remembers the late 1800's. Trains and carbon spewing from their stacks. Child labor and sweat shops. Those were the times of Karl Marx. He wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.


I have never heard such slander and character assassination in my life. I am a white woman. Irish. I look forward to her decisions... she will have the most profound impact on the Supreme Court since Thurgood Marshall. Even if she is writing the Minority Opinion, it will be looked at more than the Majority Opinion.

Morning Papers - Its Origins

The Rooster

Now that we know the USA government is turning the corner on Environmental Atrocity. Why?

I mean why bother, except, for the global morality of it all ?

Perhaps the most profound reason to reverse the deadly trend of the assault against nature of the last Republican 30 years, is the profound loss our children experience everyday.

The article at the title of this entry outlines a quickly growing concern of parents, teachers and their legislators. It is a movement called, "Leave No Child Left Inside."

While the picture Orion publication used to begin the discussion is of two boys, the impact of the loss of natural areas is DEEPLY effecting both boys and girls.

Richard Louv, the movement's author and researcher has complied information for those that interact with children, that reveals the 'sterile' world of computers and protective parenting, structured activities that have produced an incredible DEFICIT in these DESIGNER CHILDREN GENERATION. Richard Louv has unveiled the reality that the 'sterilizing' of the American landscape has removed, one of the most important venues of 'imagination' stimulation.

NATURE - God's Kitchen if you will.

Literally, the year 2000 examples parenting that has removed the 'daringness' of childhood and in turn has lulled their children's minds into lazy states of well being.

While these children achieve on intellectual exams, they profoundly lack the ability to be creative, inventive and daring. They are liiterally 'little cybots' of love and joy protected from every possible danger, but, they have no 'self-created' quality of life. They simply accept their world as it is handed to them. Hence, they literally have become passive learners willing to 'fill' the need of its society at the end of an educational process that caters to the 'Parental Protectorant' of the USA.

In a meeting of parents, administrators and children I listened to a five segmented DVD interlaced with discussion and the reality that occurred in the testimony of these people was astounding.

These are direct quotes:

A mother of three children, "I told my children to go to the backyard and play. No television, computers, or handheld anything, except, if they chose a 'Bug Jar. They didn't know what to do. After 30 minutes of hopeful watching that Richard Louv was wrong about my children, I went to the backyard with them and began to role model 'play' to them. I said, "You guys are the children. You are supposed to know how to play. Want some help?" With that I began to play tag, got an old Mason Jar from the cupboard and looked for ants, caterpillars and horrible spiders. I told them to climb a tree and showed them how, to listen to the birds and decide what kind of birds lived in their own yard. We prepared small scrapes from the refrigerator of squirrel snacks and eventually retired inside to await the arrival of the creatures that shared our home. The entire experience was startling to me and it is why I am here tonight."

A third grade teacher stated, "I had read the book as part of a peer discussion over the course of six months. One evening we decided it would be 'okay' to assign "Go out and play." as part of homework. So, the next day I wrote the usual homework assignment in the upper corner of the board and right in the middle wrote "Go outside and play." I received a phone call the next day from a girl's mother, she said, "My daughter took your assignment seriously. She recruited her sister to play in the backyard. They were out there for 30 minutes and didn't do much, but, they did start to appreciate the bird song. I wanted you to know that my daughter did her homework well."

Today across the spance of the USA, there are State Legislators considering law that mandates the protections of what is left of their 'Open Space.' The reason ? To keep tree huggers happy ? To satisfy the lobbiests from Sierra Club or the Nature Conservancy ? No. To add to the quality life of their State's children.

About Leave No Child Inside of Greater Cincinnati (click here)
Leave No Child Inside of Greater Cincinnati is a collaboration of organizations and individuals educating the community that time spent in nature is essential for the physical, mental and emotional health of all children....

The Leave No Child INSIDE Central Ohio Collaborative (click here)
Metro Parks Summer Courses for Educators
May 29, 2009 – 11:42 am
Metro Parks will offer 4, 2-day teacher trainingworkshops in June and July. Workshops targetacademic content standards and process skills forseveral age groups. Workshops are conducted byvarious state and local agencies and school districtrepresentatives, and are presented at a Metro Park orother Central Ohio agency site. Teachers workmostly in an outdoor setting to find ways to developmeaningful field trips and classroom and hands-onactivities with little or no classroom funding....

Regional Campaigns and Initiatives (click here)
C&NN is mapping the children and nature movement to make it easier for you to connect with efforts underway in your region or neighborhood. The C&NN movement map lists Grassroots campaigns and initiatives, Family Nature Clubs, and hands on outdoor programs and events for children and families. Search the movement map listings below by region, name, state or type. We encourage you to contact regional leaders, program directors, and event organizers, join efforts underway in your region, and invite your friends, neighbors and colleagues to join as well....

Vote “Yes” on the No Child Left Inside Act (click here)
(H.R. 3036, H.Rpt. 110-754)
Purpose: The purpose of H.R. 3036, the No Child Left Inside (NCLI) Act of 2008, is to support local and
statewide efforts to expand and enhance environmental education and to provide enhanced professionaldevelopment opportunities in environmental education.
Sponsors: Congressman John Sarbanes (Md.) and 64 co-sponsors (see reverse).
Committee Action: On 6/18/08, the House Committee on Education and Labor favorably reported H.R.3036by a 37-8 vote, supported by Chairman George Miller (D-CA) and Ranking Member Buck McKeon (R-CA).

New edition of a national bestseller: Last Child in the Woods (click here)
The recipient of the 2008 Audubon Medal, Richard Louv identified a phenomenon we all knew existed but couldn't quite articulate: nature-deficit disorder. Since its initial publication, his book Last Child in the Woods has created a national conversation about the disconnection between children and nature, and his message has galvanized an international movement. Now, three years later, we have reached a tipping point, with the book inspiring Leave No Child Inside initiatives throughout the country....

Since the inception of the USA our founding fathers and for Presidents after them, valued the land and its asthetics to life. Join them and bring the kids.

For the entire Bush/Cheney Adminisration we heard how our lands were preserved for the day when we needed the lumber or the oil or the methane. Well, they were "W"rong. The 'land' and 'open spaces' of the USA were preserved for its beauty and the quality of life it contained for all of us.

Support The Endangered Species Act, The Marine Mammal Protection Act. The Migratory Bird Act, The Clean Water Act, The Clean Air Act and the list goes on. As American Parents we need to appreciate the natural world that is our country and reclaim it where we can.

America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – Access Pass - Free. (click here)

America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – Access Pass

This is a lifetime pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Documentation is required to obtain the pass. Acceptable documentation includes: statement by a licensed physician; document issued by a Federal agency such as the Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income; or document issued by a State agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency. The pass provides access to, and use of, Federal recreation sites that charge an Entrance or Standard Amenity. The pass admits the pass holder and passengers in a non-commercial vehicle at per vehicle fee areas and pass holder + 3 adults, not to exceed 4 adults, at per person fee areas (children under 16 are admitted free). The pass can only be obtained in person at the park. The Access Pass provides a 50 percent discount on some Expanded Amenity Fees charged for facilities and services such as camping, swimming, boat launching, and specialized interpretive services. In some cases where Expanded Amenity Fees are charged, only the pass holder will be given the 50 percent price reduction. The pass is non-transferable and generally does NOT cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees charged by concessionaires....

America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – Volunteer Pass - Free.

America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – Volunteer Pass

This pass is for volunteers acquiring 500 service hours on a cumulative basis. It provides access to, and use of, Federal recreation sites that charge an Entrance or Standard Amenity Fee for a year, beginning from the date of award. The pass admits the pass holder and passengers in a non-commercial vehicle at per vehicle fee areas and pass holder + 3 adults, not to exceed 4 adults, at per person fee areas (children under 16 are admitted free). Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities in the National Park Service....

Friday, May 29, 2009

Slowing the Bush/Cheney assault on our precious resources. Even Reagan never did this.

The Western Bluebird (click here)

There is a lot 'going on' in the USA regarding the return of its natural areas, including the reexamination of the policies for the last eight years on every venue and the removal of 'invasive species' that threaten wildlife.

The invasive species issue is an interseting one and involves the use of commerical landscaping of foreign species that 'are not contained' in the landscaping it was intended, but by many vectors, including over population of deer, the foreign ornamental species have found their way into the wilderness areas of our nation and are destroying the 'natural ecosystems' that support our native wildlife.

But, in addition to the invasive species issues, there are those issues surrounding commercial logging as well as ethanol production for USA consumption and its potential to destroy foreign forests when the demand for ethanol exceeds the corn production of the USA. Currently, land owners in the USA have destroyed private vineyards and forest to turn it into agricultural lands to produce biomass for ethanol. That is creating a huge CO2 problem as agricultural lands are not as sustainable as forests and vineyards, more susceptible to drought, parching and desertificaiton.

It is estimated today, if the USA used all the nation's corn production for ethanol it would meet ONLY 2% to 3% of the country's demand. It is easy to see, when approaching ethanol from that perspective how electric cars and hybrids need to be perfected and manufactered. Ethanol is only a temporary fix.

Not only that, but, USA ethanol is being exported to places like Europe where it sells for marginally higher prices. When ethanol is NOT produced locally and transported locally its CO2 content goes up. Not the CO2 content that comes out of the tailpipe, but, the CO2 content that goes into its manufacturing. Those transportation issues alone nearly eliminate ethanol as a viable solution to CO2 emissions. If the USA were to convert its entire consumption of automobile fuels to ethanol today, it would require Brazil to turn the Rainforest into cropland to produce sugarcane, which is somewhat occurring already.

The Bush 'idea' of importing ethanol from South America is forcing Brazil to change their E85, which is an 85% mixture of ethanol, to 50% ethanol. This 'idea' of importing ethanol is not a good one for the USA. I would debate it is a poor idea for any ethanol importing country. The CO2 produced in transporation negates the benefits to a good extent of ethanol.

But, at any rate, this ruling by the US Department of Agriculture is along the lines of the EPA ruling to stop the use of forests, both domestic and abroad, from use in ethanol. The Bush/Cheney policies were based in 'profits' ONLY and never took into consideration the damages they caused to our efforts to stem Human Induced Global Warming that has lead to Climate Change.

The hope today is to stem Climate Change by rolling back any and all CO2 emissions. The role of scientists and evironmentalists is very complicated to say the least and they are finding it a challenge to educate the public to the reasons why any opposition to what seems like a better alternative such as ethanol is prudent.

This is the Montane Forest of the Alaskan Tongass. The Montane Forest is also a Rainforest in Alaska. Yes, indeed, Rainforests exist at high elevations, too. They are very important forests. These type of forest 'ecosystems' occur at various elevations in the Rocky Mountains of North America, in Central America, and in eastern Asia as well. They are known as subalpine and are dominated by combinations of pine, spruce, and fir species.

Posted on Fri, May. 29, 2009
U.S. calls timeout on 'roadless' forest projects (click title to entry - thank you)
By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued a temporary order yesterday governing development in "roadless" areas of national forests, requiring all new projects to be approved by him personally.
Vilsack's order, which will be in effect for a year, is the latest turn in an eight-year-old battle over 58.5 million acres of pristine woods. President Bill Clinton made these areas off-limits in 2001, but President George W. Bush effectively reopened some in 2005. That led to a series of court cases that ultimately replaced the national policy with a patchwork of regional rules.
Vilsack, whose purview includes the U.S. Forest Service, did yesterday what environmental groups had been urging: call a "timeout."
Agriculture Department officials said that while the temporary order is in effect, the Obama administration and Congress would try to create a permanent policy on roadless regions. They said Vilsack's caseload was not expected to be large: Over the last eight years, one official estimated, 30 to 40 projects have been proposed in these areas.
"We're raising the level of scrutiny," said Chris Mather, a spokeswoman for Vilsack. "From this moment ... we are going to make sure that our forests are protected in all projects we approve."...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Ozone Layer If CFCs Hadn't Been BannedPosted May 21, 2009

...The series of images starts with 1974, before CFCs had begun to do significant damage to the ozone layer. Concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere over the United States and Canada are high. By 1994, the model predicts that ozone concentrations over the region have fallen from highs above 500 Dobson Units to about 400. By the simulated year 2009, the ozone layer over much of the United States has thinned to only 300 Dobson Units.
By 2020, the model predicts that an ozone “hole”—concentrations below 220 Dobson Units—forms over the Arctic as well as the Antarctic. By 2040, the ozone hole is global. The
UV index in mid-latitude cities reaches 15 around noon on a clear summer day (10 is considered extreme today). By the end of the model run, global ozone drops to less than 110 Dobson Units, a 67 percent drop from the 1970s....

The Taliban have completely turned against their government. They are al Qaeda trained, no doubt.

I guess I was correct. The success in Swat moved the militants to attack the cities in Pakistan. They don't care about the people. If they did they would not attack the government, but, seek peaceful resolve to their differences. They want the Pakistan arsenal.

Rescue workers and police help the injured from buildings that collapsed after the 100kg bomb was detonated in the middle of Lahore. Photograph: K M Chaudry/AP
..."It was in response to the Swat operation where innocent people have been killed," Mehsud said. The little-known group Taliban Movement in Punjab has also claimed responsibility for the attack....

But, of course the Taliban killed no one, broke no agreements and acted in a peaceful manner when they were provided with all their demands including the release of prisoners that were supposed to be converted to a peaceful resolve for Swat. The statement made was to enflame the people as if their government were wrong. It isn't.

The Taliban have no compassion for their own people, otherwise, no agreements would have been broken and there would have been no aggressions to the areas outside of Swat. I don't believe the Taliban are capable of peace, I believe they are ruthless besides cruel.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Anarchy that serves al Qaeda. Not long ago the Pakistani ISI was an enemy of the people. They protected Musharraf and victimized democracy.

Today, under President Asif Ali Zardari, the ISI along with infrastructure in Pakistan was attacked. It is more of a statement in the success by the current government to defeat al Qaeda and militant Taliban.

The location of the attack is exceptionally interesting. It is safe to say 'the shifting alliances' within Pakistan (the anarchy) has ended and the people of Pakistan have their government firmly back on their side.

I completely believe al Qaeda was responsible for this attack. It is organized in 'designer tactics' known to be practiced by al Qaeda. Beside the fact the ISI was the focus of the attack, it took place in Lahore. Kindly note, the location of Lahore compared to the tribal region where the Zardari military is working to defeat the terrorist networks.

This attack today stated loud and clear the 'displaced' attack was attempted to move the front of the military actions out of the tribal areas and back to the cities of government structure. The Pakistani military needs support in 'weakended' areas of the country, such as the cities, where this attack took place.

The Zardari military is getting close to the center of power of al Qaeda and they are desperate to move the 'war front' off their front door and into government centers to cause destabilized efforts. It is a brilliant tactic, but, it can and should be defeated. I would hope the NATO forces could assist the Pakistani military to end their struggle in Swat and the tribal regions while some of the soldiers are moved to other areas in need of protection.

The Pakistani military under President Zardari have carried out a magnificent campaign that has been more successful than anyone expected. This attempt to destabilize the military's effort is a desperate act. I can't help but believe the Pakistani military is far closer to their victory than I would anticipate. The Generals are far better authority to protect their military and their country's infrastructure, but, they have lead a billiant battle up to now and I sincerely believe they are very close to destroying the center of al Qaeda.

One has to realize, the ISI is a bit coveted by al Qaeda and the Taliban, so to actually 'sacrifice' any ability to 'win back' the favor of the Pakistani military to carry out this attack shows the 'weaknesses' of the enemy more than it does not. I am sorry for the tragedy today in Lahore. The people of Pakistan have aligned with their government and it is definately 'felt' by al Qaeda and militant Taliban. The people of Pakistan are winning, it is hard to maintain this path, but to realize a country without any possibility of returning to 'Old World' treatment of its people is possible has to be held in esteem to achieve their victory.

I hold great hope for their victory and wish the Generals the best insight and fortitude to that end. Their democracy is within sight.

Posted on Wednesday, 05.27.09
Deadly bombing in Pakistan may be payback for military offensive (click title to entry - thank you)
McClatchy Newspapers
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Suspected Islamic terrorists killed about 30 people and injured more than 250 Wednesday in a gun and vehicle-bomb attack in the eastern city of Lahore that may be the first major reprisal for Pakistan's military offensive against extremists, analysts and officials said.
The bomb contained as much as 220 pounds of explosives and reduced several buildings to rubble, among them a police station, an emergency services call center and offices of the Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency, along with a 200-yard stretch of the street.
The attack began when several assailants jumped from the vehicle,
(This is an al Qaeda tactic.) described by some witnesses as a van, and opened fire on the buildings with automatic weapons.
A senior Pakistani official said the ISI compound appeared to be the primary target of the attack, and it showed that the spy agency is now at war with Islamic extremist groups that it previously trained and armed to fight in India's disputed Kashmir region and in Afghanistan....

One has to remember, under Musharraf, rape was a sentence for women that were found guilty of unmarried sex or flirting.

The sexual exploitation of the judges defined the right to imprison them so they could not rule adversely against Musharraf. The public 'shaming' of the judges didn't work in the long run.

The point is the ISI acted under orders by Musharraf to organize a campaign against legally placed judges.

'ISI Tried Sex-blackmail Of Judges Ruling On Musharraf' (click here)
Sunday 11th of November 2007
Pakistan's intelligence agency sent some Supreme Court judges and their children secretly-filmed videos of them having sex with lovers or prostitutes in a bid to blackmail them ahead of a key ruling on President Pervez Musharraf, a British newspaper reported Sunday.
Videos were sent out to at least three of the 11 Supreme Court judges in September ahead of their ruling on whether Musharraf was eligible to run for president while still army chief, The Sunday Times reported.
One video showed a judge with his young mistress while another was of a judge's daughter having sex with a boyfriend - and the ISI even threatened Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry with an anonymous letter implying sexual impropriety....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strict Construction doesn't belong anywhere near our USA Constitution.

The 'Republican Standard' of strict constructionist is a manipulative methodology designed to weaken the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The 'idea' that Judges are simply 'puppets' to the Legislative Branch is completely "W"rong. The USA Constitution and Bill of Rights has three branches of government as 'CHECKS and BALANCES' to power. When strict constructionists are placed on The Supreme Court it weakens the power of the Judiciary while pandering to the Legislature.

Why is that DANGEROUS to freedom and democracy?

It is dangerous to the USA people, because, if the Legislature passes poor and/or exploitive laws there is no other venue to defeat those laws except the court system. The Judiciary has to be responsive to the impact of laws on the people of this nation. Laws can be victimizing and cause issues with crime and social injustice, therefore, the Judiciary has to have insight to the people that live within the laws of this country.

There is no such thing as 'activist judges.' It is political rhetoric.

There were two events today occuring within our Judical System concurrently. A new Justice to the USA Supreme Court and an appeal to the California Marriage laws. I have no doubt that the nominee of President Obama will face the question, "Do you believe the USA Supreme Court should rule on Same Sex Marriage and why to do you hold that opinion?"

The decision to place Judge Sonia Sotomayor in nomination to the Supreme Court was more than admirable. She is eminently qualified, there should be no challenge to her nomination. If there is one can literally call it racism. The woman belongs on the Supreme Court. The insight she brings with her considering her heritage is completely invaluable. She will be a great Justice.

I thought the video by The New York Post 'picked up' the entertaining humor of President Obama that occurs at times of joy. "Here Comes the Judge." Very cute and a little bit of fun at a time in our country when fun doesn't come easily.

The marriages that occured while under the law upholding gay marriages stand as they should. I found that to be a real coup by the gay community. Any legislation and/or court challenges now have to take into account 'why' a drastic change occured that ended the rights of those that had come before. Not only that, but, 18,000 legal marriages will speak loud and clear to the benefits and glory of marriage over 'partnerships.'

Partnerships belong in contract law. Marriage is a matter of the heart. The gay community is absolutely correct in pursuing their unalienable right to marriage. I believe the decision today, regardless of its validity in Constitutional Law by 'grandfathering' the 18.000 marriages serves a sincere and stark reality regarding 'bigoted populous' decisions made in the privacy of a voting both and supported by vicious hate mongers.

Gay members of the USA should have the very same rights as their straight oppositioners. The ruling to uphold the proposition banning equal rights to the gay community was due to a federal law that cast its shadow on the proceedings today. The Defense of Marriage Act compelled the California Judiciary to make the decision today. I really believe their hands were tied to act any differently.

Unfortunately, The Defense of Marriage Act will cause these decisions UNTIL it is challenged at the Supreme Court. It is 'challengeable' by the way. It is discriminatory and insults the Equal Protection Clause as well as insulting the Due Process Clause as 'the legality' of marriage is simply a matter of 'legal process' and SHOULD BE blind to gender of the participants in the marriage.

The gay community is more insightful than any of its straight constituentes. Why? Because by insisting they are 'more than partners' in a relationship they hold on to the REALITY of 'pursuit of happiness' when choosing a life time mate. Having a mate is far more than just a partnership and the 'culture and language' of this country supports its unique place in 'quality of life.'

To challenge the gay community and its unalienable right of love, affection and longing for a lifetime mate, actually defeats and insults the entire cultural component of marriage in the society. To discriminate based on gender in applying 'equal rights' is to say 'gender' is a valuable component allowed under the law to distinguish equality. THAT reality is an oxymoron. One cannot discriminate and have equality at the same time. The same 'type' of reality is why Brown vs. Board of Ed was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1954. The 'language' of the Constitution was used to victimize children and I might note that the Brown decision wasn't made correctly UNTIL there was a Black member on the court.

The argument that 'won' the decision with Brown was the fact that 'equal protection' was unfairly leveled at all parties. In other words, all the children, whether black or white were the victim of segregation and NONE were treated equally. If those same dynamics are included in the Gay Marriage Right, it is all the people that are victim to the law. The Defense of Marriage Act even in its verbiage 'pits' homosexual vs heterosexual otherwise it would not need a DEFENSE. The law attempts to elevate a false sense of righteousness and victimizes not only the gay community, but also members of the heterosexual community that seek to 'include' all people in Civil Rights. The law victimizes us all and not just one community with equal protections. The entire idea that the gay community is treated equally doesn't even come close when the 'quality of life' and 'pursuit of happiness' is considered.

The movement has to go forward. This is a generational problem exacerbated by 'politics' enhanced by a culture of fear. It is morally wrong to be allow fear of any member of this country. To realize The Defense of Marriage Act actually identifies that fear, is to realize, how very "W"rong legislation can be and how completely it victimizes citizens when passed for the purpose of politics over Civil Rights.

Plenty of drenching rains.

May 26, 2009
UNISYS GOES East Visible Satellite (click title to entry for 12 hour loop - thank you.)

May 26, 2009 2:12 pm US/Eastern
Flash Floods Hit Maryland And D.C. Region (click here)
The D.C. area is still soggy after heavy rains that snarled the morning commute.
As workers returned Tuesday from a three-day weekend, flash floods caused havoc in Washington and some parts of Maryland and Virginia. Authorities had to rescue motorists stranded in high water, and several roads were closed.
High winds brought down some trees, including one that fell on the George Washington Parkway and blocked southbound lanes near Roosevelt Island for a time.
Thousands of people lost power as a result of the weather, and some traffic lights were knocked out.
Metro News Statewide
Meteorologists with the National Weather Service say localized downpours are possible out of many of the thunderstorms that will move through West Virginia into Wednesday.
Residents in part of Lincoln County saw such a downpour on Monday.
"It was an extremely heavy rain. I was out in it and I can't tell you the last time I've seen rain quite that heavy," Lincoln County Office of Emergency Services Director Allen Holder said. "Luckily, it didn't last too long."...

Record rainfall floods FL towns (click here)
Nearly 1,000 buildings damaged in Volusia County alone

While hurricane season doesn’t officially start until June 1, recent tropical-like rainfall in Florida found many residents cleaning up from flooding, or waiting for the water to recede, instead of focusing on usual holiday activities over the Memorial Day weekend.
Less than a month ago, emergency officials were warning the severe drought could produce damaging wildfires, Instead more than 1,000 buildings have been damaged following record May rains....

The USA reputation under Bush/Cheney is one of a dangerous country without moral authority.

Published on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 by the Los Angeles Times (click title to entry - thank you)
'Axis of Evil' Rhetoric Said to Heighten DangersMany foreign policy observers think Bush's phrasing, although effective on the home front, caused serious damage abroad
by Maura Reynolds

WASHINGTON -- It was a catchy phrase. Perhaps too catchy.
A year after President Bush used the State of the Union address to declare Iraq, Iran and North Korea an "axis of evil," the phrase has taken on a life of its own. With this year's address scheduled for Jan. 28 and the U.S. on the cusp of war with Iraq, the legacy of the "axis of evil" weighs heavily on the speechwriters and policy-makers hard at work on Bush's speech....

North Korea, no different than any other enemy of the USA believes they will be doing the world a favor. There are those in the world that would believe same. Bush gave our enemies ever reason to move against us and North Korea is the 'little engine that can."

At this hour the coalition of USA military forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq and free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. (click here)

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Lies That Led To War (click here)
Submitted by cactuspat on Tue, 2007-04-03 10:35.
Since the US-led invasion four years ago, the fifth estate has covered Iraq and the war on terror from virtually every angle--the military, ... all » media, intelligence, politics--revealing aspects of the story that you didn't find anywhere else. Now, as the White House warns about the latest threat in the region, this time from Iran, it's worthwhile looking back to examine the deception, suspect intelligence, even lies, that convinced the world of the rightness of targeting Saddam Hussein....

Bush/Cheney in their zealotry leading up to the war in Iraq 'set up' the USA to be defeated. There are dangers at every border to USA with escalating capacity at even near borders. There is every reason for the other major power in the world to want the USA impuned of any military potential. There are more 'solid' reasons to believe the USA is incapable of 'stable benevolence.'

Bush/Cheney gambled they could dominate The Middle East and prove to the world the 'last' Superpower was indeed something to fear. It didn't happen and today the USA is compromised and 'has learned its place' in the global status of sovereignty in the world. There is no ONE Superpower that can dominate all the world's resources or its people.

Bush, on March 19, 2003; was nestled in zealotry against Saddam Hussein whom had verbally threatened hsi father in an international venue. Iraq was a war for oil and revenge and Kim resolved himself to 'end it.'

Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Comes Back to Haunt United States (click here)
By Glenn Kessler and Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff WritersTuesday, October 10, 2006; Page A12
Nearly five years after President Bush introduced the concept of an "axis of evil" comprising Iraq, Iran and North Korea, the administration has reached a crisis point with each nation: North Korea has claimed it conducted its first nuclear test, Iran refuses to halt its uranium-enrichment program, and Iraq appears to be tipping into a civil war 3 1/2 years after the U.S.-led invasion....

Okay, I've had enough with talking. The USA has to act and now !

...France called for new sanctions, while the U.S. and Japan pushed for strong action against North Korea for testing a bomb that Russian officials said was comparable in power to those that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II....(click title to entry - thank you)

Kim is an old man with a dream to a goal to fulfill. If one has been reading the North Korean newspapers they have been filled with self-righteosness.

I absolutely believed there would be a missile launch this morning, but, I have expected it to be a nuclear strike of some kind into South Korea, possibly targeting the USA military base.

I profoundly believe Kim and North Korean leadership will carry out an atrocity while the world watches. This cannot continue. There is every indication that the AGGRESSIVE stance North Korea is taking is to intimidate and it will use the 'astonished mindset' in the world to its advantage.

Russia, China and the USA have to RESOLVE to destroy any capacity North Korea has to launch a nuclear holocaust into South Korea, possibly Japan. There needs to be an immediate 'presence' of naval vessels from the three super powers as a blockade to any supplies or warnings of any troop movements to the South.

Kim will launch and I believe he will be immune to retaliation of any nuclear capacity. His armies will be ready to fight any war, as he already stated in March. For the reason of protecting the region further, I am confident he believes there will be no nuclear strike back into North Korea for the sake not furthering the holocaust. Russia and China are not immune and are not necessarily safe.

At this point, the leader of North Korea is a crazy old man with nothing in his life worthwhile except securing his country the way he sees it before he dies. After all who wants to be a pip-squeak in the history books. In looking back over the past decades, the world has set North Korea on this path thinking it could control the outcome. He'll launch. There HAS to be an eminent presence of military strength in the seas around North Korea. The three superpowers have to contend with the disaster they have 'set up' over the last fifty years.

The launch of short range missiles is a direct act of aggression and the rhetoric from earlier this year is proof nothing will stop the inevitable. He called the testing in March peaceful. It was nothing but lies. Russia, China and the USA must confront the reality that North Korea is more ambitious than it should be or is prudent to be and is completely unpredictable. The more North Korea 'plays' the more acceptable it will become and they'll use that tolerance to their goals. This is a far more unstable circumstance than anyone wants to admit !

If I were Kim, I'd launch at the USA military base in believing it has been the problem the entire time and give opportunity to unite the North and South based on the removal of a USA component that has kept them apart the entire time. Don't under estimate that assessment !

N Korea holds nuclear test (click here)
May 25, 2009
North Korea said it successfully conducted an underground nuclear test, calling the move part of measures to bolster self-defence.
Duration: 2 min 10 sec

SKorea military forms crisis team after nuke test report Troops were put on heightened alert and are closely monitoring movement of NKorea troops. (click here)
Mon, May 25, 2009AFP
SEOUL (AFP) - South Korea's military on Monday formed a "crisis management" team of general-level officers after North Korea announced it had carried out a nuclear test, the defence ministry said.
"Top military officials led by the defence minister are holding an emergency meeting after forming a crisis management team," a ministry spokesman said.
A spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff said troops were put on heightened alert "and are closely monitoring movement of North Korean troops."...

If it were me, I'd get out of town, too.

...The minister was to leave for Beijing Tuesday before flying to Singapore to attend a regional security forum there and to hold talks with US Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, he said.
"The minister will also cancel his trip to Singapore if cross-border tension rises," the spokesman said.

North Korea Fires Short-Range Missiles, Yonhap Says (Update2) (click here)
By Heejin Koo and Viola Gienger
Last Updated: May 26, 2009 03:48 EDT
....The Obama administration is seeking a unified international response to North Korea’s actions, and South Korea agreed today to join a U.S.-led program to prevent weapons shipments. Japan’s lower house of parliament today unanimously adopted a resolution condemning what it called a “reckless act” and urging the government to impose tougher sanctions on the communist regime....

March 8th, 2009 Posted By Pat Dollard (click here)
PYONGYANG/BEIJING, March 9 (AP) - (Kyodo)—North Korea warned Monday that any move to intercept what it calls a satellite launch and what other countries suspect may be a missile test-firing would result in a counterstrike against the countries trying to stop it.
“We will retaliate (over) any act of intercepting our satellite for peaceful purposes with prompt counterstrikes by the most powerful military means,” the official Korean Central News Agency quoted a spokesman of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army as saying.
If countries such as the United States, Japan or South Korea try to intercept the launch, the North Korean military will carry out “a just retaliatory strike operation not only against all the interceptor means involved but against the strongholds” of the countries, it said.
“Shooting our satellite for peaceful purposes will precisely mean a war,” it added....

Monday, May 25, 2009

What if we were looking at more than a test today?

What would have happened? Who would be at war with whom? And over what? Would it matter? If we were looking at a world engaged in a nuclear holocaust, would any question matter?

We cannot afford to continue this madness. Disarmament is not an option. It has been complete lunacy to allow nations to obtain and perfect nuclear weapons.

We need to rein in any nuclear capacity of nations engaged in chronic violence. There is no way North Korea should be tolerated or allowed to achieve this capacity. Fifty years ago American soldiers died to secure an ally in South Korea, only to allow this mess. It can't be tolerated. What 'good' is assured mutual destruction?

South Korean protesters shout slogans during a rally Monday in Seoul, South Korea, against North Korea's apparent nuclear test. (Lee Jin-man/Associated Press)

S. Korea Says North's Nuclear Test 'A Serious Threat to Peace' (click here)
By Kurt Achin Seoul25 May 2009
South Korea Says it will join regional partners in seeking a strong response from the United Nations Security Council to North Korea's latest nuclear test.South Korean Presidential Spokesman Lee Dong-kwan called North Korea's nuclear test Monday a "serious threat to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula."He says South Korea will work together with the United States, Japan, China and Russia to seek a response at the United Nations Security Council....

And we are supposed to allow proliferation in The Middle East?

I don't think so.

Bush/Cheney/Republicans re-engaged in Cold War escalation of tensions and strategies, for what? Wealth? Crony wealth?

My, my. Another fine mess left over from Bush and Cheney. I suppose the nation is safer because of Cheney's VICE Presidency.

It is time to disarm nations that threaten the stability of governments. North Korea is concerned about its security and defense capability. Well, they are more correct about that today than ever before. Enough. Is enough.

Roh's suicide puts South Korean president in corner (click title to entry - thank you)
Mon May 25, 2009 1:12pm IST

By Jon Herskovitz
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Lee Myung-bak faces a crisis this week on how to soothe political rancour that may threaten economic reforms, which spilled out on Monday after the suicide of his predecessor Roh Moo-hyun.
Adding to Lee's concerns, North Korea said it set off a powerful nuclear device that analysts see as partly aimed at pressing him to drop his hard-line policies toward Pyongyang, in contrast to his predecessor Roh who tried to draw the North out of its shell with large-scale aid....

Magnitude 4.7 - NORTH KOREA (click here)
2009 May 25 00:54:43 UTC

75 km (45 miles) NNW of Kimchaek, North Korea

95 km (60 miles) SW of Chongjin, North Korea

180 km (110 miles) SSW of Yanji, Jilin, China

380 km (235 miles) NE of PYONGYANG, North Korea

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 04:54:43 AM - Moscow, St. Petersburg

Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 05:54:43 PM (PDT) - Pacific Daylight (Vancouver, Los Angeles, Tijuana)

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 09:54:43 AM - Irkutsk, Seoul, Tokyo

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 10:54:43 AM - Chita, Guam

Russia confirms N.Korea nuclear test, voices concern - 2 (click here)

...The ministry's spokesman Col. Alexander Drobyshevsky said: "The test was carried out 80 kilometers (50 miles) to the northwest of the town of Kilchu. The nuclear device had a yield of between 10 and 20 kilotons [of TNT equivalent]."
"We are currently monitoring the situation," he added.
The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier voiced concern over the reclusive communist state's announcement of its second nuclear test. Pyongyang withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2003 and conducted its first nuclear test explosion in October 2006....

...The Russian permanent mission to the UN said the Security Council would convene for emergency consultations at 16.00 EDT (20.00 GMT) on Monday and could decide to hold an emergency meeting on the issue.
U.S. President Barack Obama issued a statement saying North Korea's nuclear and missile tests were a "matter of grave concern to all nations" and called for an immediate response from the international community.
"North Korea's attempts to develop nuclear weapons, as well as its ballistic missile program, constitute a threat to international peace and security," the president said.
Obama said Washington would work through the U.N. Security Council and the six-party talks format on North Korea's denuclearization, involving North and South Korea, Russia, Japan, China and the United States, to address the issue.
The six-nation talks were launched in 2003 after Pyongyang withdrew from the NPT Treaty.
Under deals reached in 2007, the North began disabling a nuclear reactor and other facilities at Yongbyon under international supervision, in exchange for economic aid and political incentives.
However, in December last year, a round of six-nation talks ended in deadlock over a U.S. demand that nuclear inspectors be allowed to take samples out of the country from North Korean facilities for further analysis.
The reclusive communist regime had been threatening for several weeks to resume work at its Yongbyon nuclear facility, which produces weapons-grade plutonium, after withdrawing from six-nation talks. The move came in response to international condemnation of an April 5 rocket launch, which Pyongyang said was carrying a communications satellite.
North Korea had also said it would conduct further nuclear tests and rocket launches to ensure its security and defense capability.

Basically, the Six Party Talks started in 2003 are a complete failure. They were engaged by North Korea as 'cover' for its continuing program. A supposed agreement between North Korea and the other countries was entered and the Yongbyon Reactor was disengaged. This is the reactor used by North Korea to produce nuclear grade material.

Bush was never able to establish verification of the end of the North Korean program. However, the 'perks' to North Korea proceeded with aid and international venues opened. Bush/Cheney also proposed to withdraw 12,000 of the 37,000 troops from the peninsula as if all was right with the world. It only gave North Korea more permission to carry on its covert work.

In December North Korea broke off all talks in anticipation of a 'fairer' (? weaker ?) Obama Adminisration. North Korea did not like the Clinton approach which upheld the values and demands of The Six Party Talks. So, North Korea decided to become completely offensive to the international community and tested an ICBM, which they stated was to launch a satellite into orbit. It was a complete lie. Now, this.

North Korea has proven itself to be untrustworthy and there is no reason to continue The Six Party Talks. The North has to be disarmed and the sooner the better in an expedited manner in whatever form that takes.

North Korea never intended to end its program and it never will. It is all a smoke screen. Time to 'end it.'

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Morning Papers - It's Origins

The Rooster


Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Pakistan Military is already at SWAT. Amazing people. They are taking back their country.

Refugees wait in line for food at a relief camp in Swabi, Pakistan. Nearly two million Pakistanis have been displaced during the ongoing offensive.

By Alex Rodriguez 11:21 AM PDT, May 23, 2009
Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan -- The battle for the critical Swat Valley city of Mingora began today as Pakistani troops waged fierce street combat with Taliban militants and began the most difficult test yet in the monthlong offensive to regain much of northwest Pakistan from insurgents.Pakistani security forces so far have been able to root out Taliban fighters from regions surrounding the Swat Valley, as well as mountain ridges and towns within the region, where the militants recently won the right to impose Sharia, or Islamic rule....

Army mounts new phase of offensive in Swat : Security forces enter Mingora (click here)
17 Taliban including key commander killed as street battles begin

Taliban flee in small groups from Peochar valley

By Tahir Niaz

ISLAMABAD: Troops stormed into Mingora and fought street battles with the Taliban on Saturday, in a bid to wrest the main Swat town from Taliban control.

Seventeen Taliban including a commander were killed as the new and most important phase of Operation Rah-e-Rast commenced, chief military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said in a daily briefing.

He said the troops had secured a part of the city from the Circuit House to Makan Bagh. Battles to secure Nawan Killi have begun and a link up between forces coming from Fiza Ghat to Whataki Chowk and Ayub Bridge to Nawan Killi has been completed.

Intense clashes were reported from Nishat Chowk in Mingora. A suicide bomber was shot dead and an explosives-laden vehicle was destroyed in Makanzai area of the city. On the Qambar Ridge overlooking Mingora, three caves with large quantities of ammunition and rations were discovered during a search and destroy operation.

The Taliban are on the run in small groups from their former Peochar stronghold....

‘Pakistan ready to phase out nukes if India does so’ (click here)
WASHINGTON: Pakistan is willing to phase out its nuclear arsenal only if India agrees to do the same, Ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani said on Saturday. “Pakistan is willing to engage with our neighbour for a comprehensive settlement in which the nuclear weapons can be phased out by both countries,” he told CNN. Haqqani said Islamabad’s anti-terrorism efforts should not be confused with its nuclear programme but seen and supported in their proper perspective. app

How is Nancy doing? She is being scapegoated by the Republicans. They are going to be very unpopular ... the elections of 2010. They are attempting to build an Anti-Democratic movement because they know they haven't got a leg to stand on. They crashed a global economy, ran an illegal war, nearly lost Afghanistan to the Taliban and attempted to establish a theocracy in the USA. I give them no chance after "The October Surprise" airing. No chance.

She looks good. I think she is traveling to China as a delegation member this week. First woman Speaker. Nice. Great lady. Pretty girl.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, waves as she enters Homewood Field in Baltimore for Johns Hopkins University's 2009 undergraduate commencement. Pelosi addressed graduating seniors and received an honorary degree. (Baltimore Sun photo by Kenneth K. Lam / May 21, 2009)

Pelosi returns to home stage (click title to entry - thank you)
She stresses climate change in Hopkins speech
By Timothy B. Wheeler
May 22, 2009

Calling climate change "the greatest challenge of our day," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi credited young voters yesterday with pressuring Congress to finally craft a national response, and she predicted that the United States would join other countries this year in an international pact to reduce planet-warming pollution.
Pelosi, speaking at commencement ceremonies for the Johns Hopkins University's arts and sciences and engineering graduates, called climate change a national security, economic, environmental health and moral issue.
"Thanks to your voices, votes and values, America has awakened to the crisis after years of delay and is now moving in a new direction," she said....

It looks like North America is in for a rough ride in 2009 as well. It was rough in 2008. A little different this year, the wind is horitzonal. WOW

What a mess. There has never been air movement like this before. Central America and Northern Brazil are in for storms, too.

May 23, 2009
UNISYS North and West Hemipshere Water Vapor Satellite (12 hour loop at title to entry - thank you.) There is the usual vortex north of Hawaii anytime there is exception turbulence. Yep. It's evil twin is west of the Florida northern border. They always manifest when there is this level of turbulence. They are stable, consistent and immoble. Same exact latitude, different longitudes.

May 23, 2009
UNISYS Water Vapor Goes East Satellite. Noted south of the 'shear system' is a heat transfer system off the Equator.

May 23, 2009
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of USA

May 23, 2009
1931 gmt
North Pole Satellite - the vortices are better noted here as well as their conduit systems. Noted those are the only vortices in the Northern Hemisphere 'acting' in this mechanism. The North American continent is the 'drag' to the velocities and therefore has resulted in significant 'shear' at 45 degree north latitude. LOOK OUT !!!!!!

A line of maximum horizontal wind shear. A narrow zone across which there is an abrupt change in the horizontal wind component parallel to it.

May 23, 2009
2212 gmt
Pacific Ocean Satellite - It is a poor resolution to the vortices, but, they can be discerned.

Raw data courtesy of the NCEP Aviation Weather Center located in Kansas City, Missouri, United States (click here)

The Mid-Latidudes are where most upper tropospheric vortices form. Today, noted in the 30 hour loop above, there are many. To animate the loop, adjust the 'loop' to 30 and click animate.

There is just too much heat. The velocities at 60 degrees north is very fast. The air continues to 'pile up' causing vortices. Noted to be very unusual is the 'conduit' between the two Pacific vortices. To the west is the Arctic Oscillation vortex which is directly fueled and accelerating compliments of the vortex east of the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula.

There is one directly over the Kamchatka Peninsula as well. These three vortices are perfect examples of 'heat transfer systems' that result in the northern hemisphere in attempts to cool Earth. The lack of 'residual ice' in the Northern Hemisphere is the reason why the vortices are accelerating and therefore increasing the 'density' of each air mass resulting in vortexes. Air is 'hot' expanded and taking up more space in the troposphere. The only 'coping' mechanism available for Earth is the 'repeated' eruption of vortexes.

Noted in these three are the 'conduits' of air that 'hand off' the heat to each other.

The Artic Oscillation vortex just south of Alaska is receiving accelerated air masses from both the Mid-Pacific and Kamchatka Peninsula vortices.

The conduit between the northern boundary of the Mid-Pacific Vortex and the southern border of the Arctic Oscillation Vortex exists through the entire loop, as early as 0645 UTC. However, the northern boundary of the Kamchatka Peninsula vortex (which has ice formations) is noted to connect with the Mid-Pacific Vortex conduit at 1415 UTC.

These are unusal phenomena and are a direct result of a heated troposphere. The acceleration of the air masses will sustain until the sun rotates to darkness.

There is a publication in 2007 validating the changes in the sea ice at this region of Earth. An increase in floating ice is a clear indication of demise of ice formations in these oceans.

Extreme supply of floating ice to the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean (click here), Oceanology, Volume 47, Number 1 / February, 2007, pp. 1-4.

The Earth has 'wind zones' called Hadley Cells. They are primarily divided into '30 degree increments. Zero degrees latitude to 30, 30 to 60 and 60 t0 90. It would seem this year the "Westerlies," - Mid-Latitude Cells are more severe. (See NASA image above.) There is a lot of turbulence and it occurred very quickly.

May 23, 2009
UNISYS Visible Satellite of North and West Hemisphere.

May 23, 2008
Quinter, Kansas

May 23, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere (Again this is 2008).

May 23, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite (Again this is 2008) of North America.